It’s a question you may find in many articles and a question constantly sent to our site moderator-especially over the last few days-with sensitive topics being discussed. “Why did you delete my comments?” or “Why don’t you post the truth?” etc.. However, if you’re wondering why certain comments are not posted, it’s usually one of several reasons. Among the most common reasons for a comment not published are: Cursing, derogatory statements about an Adom Gadol, questioning a Rav, Loshon Hara and false statements. We are not implying that you must accept or agree with other people’s views or opinions, but we do imply that-should you decide to comment on it-that you bring that message across in a respectable manner.
We believe, along with our Da’as Torah guidance and our site Moderators, that certain issues are important to be discussed and important to be brought into the open. In fact, doing so has brought about some very strong positive results and changes for our Chashuveh community. However, topics being discussed in the open, does not give the green light for a fellow Yid’s name or anyone to be publicly smeared or to be falsely accused of wrongdoing. Yes, we want answers and we want transparency, but it’s how we go about it. Everything can be said, it’s how it’s said.
We hope this answers many of your questions. Should you have any additional questions, concerns or suggestions, as always, feel free to contact us.
Thank you for reading and thank you for understanding.
TLS Moderator.
Boy I wonder what I said wrong this time…..I’ll just never get my comment posted….never!
How come Inzelbuch bashing is allowed while Kotler/VAAD bashing is not? The issue many have is why some valid concerns people have are not posted while some concerns are?
tls is verry important its the only way to keep twn from making sweatheart deals for individuals and for little guys to express our out rage at the growing tax problem in lakewood PLEASE DONT GO SOFT!!!!
I’m sorry. I have posted several comments on different topics that did not bash anybody and were written very tactfully without any loshon horo or names or even a remez to any people. They were not posted and there can be no other reason than thae fact your moderator did not agree with my position. That does not sound like an open forum to me.
Better safe than sorry
Moderators should use better judgment and be tougher about bowing to pressure. We all know who is pressing you, but the peeple are behind you. sometimes way way back there but we r there. Dont cave in, keep TLS relevant. and yes you can delete the following curses: ____ _____ & _____.
Could you exlain the article in english?
and some of my comments that were against lakewood scoop when u were wrong? where did they go? ( said very nicely)
of course there are certain commments blocked. its because of the people they may be offending. Please dont tell people this is an open forum if yoiu still choose to defends those who we are all angry against. It only makes this site look like some of the decisions that are being made in this town, this is agbreat site except when you protect certain people from the harsh opinions of us. We are entitled to an opinion as are you but it is not right if you stop us from voicing our opinion against certain topics. This is why things that are going on have not come to light. So please let us voice our opinion no matter how harsh or even wrong, opinions are allowed under freedom of speech. Thanks
That’s funny because you let people make false comments against the LPD about how the blueclaws pays for thier time.
I can fully agree with the call for respectful manner. I know it is hard to be respectful when you have well founded reasons to believe someone has forfeited such a claim because of outrageous violations whether financial or otherwise. Nevertheless, think if you fully pursue transparency, most critics will accept restrictions on style. However, the burden falls on you to clarify what you consider the boundaries of transparency. Alas, sometimes transparency can be very unpleasant for certain choshuveh people.
Please clarify what sort of transparency you support. For example, in most of the non-for profit world it is essential that organizations clarify what is private property vs what belongs to an organization, etc. Is that the sort of transparency you support?
Why do you give abadi/minyan shelano so much coverage promoting drug use yet chai lifeline,tomechai shabbos and other prominent orgganizations get none
To # 14. For your convenience, we have included links to some recent articles. Thank you for reading.
My comments yesterday were deleted without mentioning any names whatsoever. They simply stated the truth. In fact it almost seemed like you just saw the name and deleted whaever I wrote probably because you didn’t like an initial comment. And yes we want transparency. An open forum does not mean a verabl killing field but you seemed to be totally one sided. And you know which article I’m referring to.
We love youyou keep up the good work don’t let outside influence interfere with your avodas hakodesh
to tls fan, avodas hakodesh? wake up this is internet!
Any anti-Herschel comments are automatically deleted. Even when written nicely. And I’d be shocked to see this one go through. Has anyone seen any anti-Herschel comments here? Is it because none were sent in???
To dass toraah yes its internet wwithout shmootz and avodah zorah
herschel is missing!! is that negative enough?
This won’t get posted but here we go:
Anti Aron kotler comments get deleted
Anti Inzelbuch go through
Anti Weisberg go through
Anti Vaad don’t
Anti Herschell don’t go through
As don’t those against the LAC
Anti Roshei Yeshiva rightfully donr go through as those against the mashgiach
Anti Yeshivish get deleted as does those anti working
Anti UEZ go through as long as you don’t mention who pocketed the dough
Anti BOE goes through but not the new IGUD
So… This leads me to say that tls is very much for LIMITED FREEDOM of Speech!!
…….. …….. …. . said”……. ….. ……. . ….”….. …. but nobody cares!!
wonder who wrote most of these comments
What seems to me a fairly new reader of tls (a few months ago is the first time I ever went on to the site). I noticed is that you like to bring out corruption which is great but when it comes to the vaad you seem to not allow any negative comments even if they are said in the most respectful way. It seems you are scared of them or something. The one thing I can definitly agree with is not allowing any negative comments about any rosh yeshiva or daas toirah. But the vaad? They are a political party why can’t we criticize them?
Not wanting to to be controversial but the unspoken hanacha by several commentators is that every talmid chacham, rosh yeshiva or mashgiach is automatically daas torah and cannot be disagreed with. This has no basis in Torah or halacha at all. True Daas Torah is possessed by a very few individuals in each dor. Other ‘lower level’ talmidei chachamim and rosh yeshivas should certainly be consulted and their opinions taken very seriously but it is absolutely not kefira or denying Daas Torah to disagree with them respectfully. One proof is, as anyone who has access knows, behind closed doors they frequently disagree with each other in the strongest and most personal terms!
Saying that a specific person is not daas torah does not mean that there is no daas torah at all. Daas torah does not come automatically with the frock or else we could all just put one on!!