Regarding the last night of Chanukah, the Bnei Yissaschar writes:
“יום שמסוגל לפקידת עקרות, יום שמסוגל לפרנסה, יום שמסוגל לישועה.. יום של חיתום וביצוע הדין לכל המשך השנה.”
“It is a day that is mesugal to give children to the childless, a day that is mesugal for parnassah, a day that is mesugal for salvation… the day of the signing and carrying out of judgement for the rest of the year.”
The following are true stories about Zos Chanukah
“I donated 120 shekels to the Zos Chanukah prayer event for a friend’s son who was still single at age 40, and right after Chanukah he got engaged. I am calling the Vaad to add my own son’s name to this year’s prayer event!”
“My son, Avremi, had an infection in his brain and there was a chance that he would develop another one. I donated to the Zos Chanukah prayer event and the doctors were surprised to find nothing wrong at all.”
“My wife was having a C-section and there were complications, I donated 52 like the gematria of “ben” (son) and in that very moment everything turned around for the better.”
The above are only some of the stories that poured into the Vaad HaRabbanim’s office after last year’s event. Yet again this year, on Zos Chanukah, a group of Gedolei Torah and Kohanim will gather together right near the Kodesh Kedoshim with one goal: To storm the gates of heaven on behalf of supporters of the Vaad HaRabbanim. In the holiest place in the world since the Churban Beis Hamikdash, they will daven with heartfelt tefillos for every single man and woman who donates towards the Vaad HaRabbanim’s list of needy families in Eretz Yisroel. Those interested in donating can click here.