Who Do I Want to Be? By Kollel Guy

untitledThese days, its not about what you do that makes money. It’s more about what you are. I write this while listening to the music of Yaakov Shwekey. He is a singer, and so are many others. So why is that Yaakov is invited to sing at 5 Pesach hotels, while so many others have to struggle to support their families? The singing industry, just like many others, does not pay based on what you do, only who you are. How does one become a person who gets paid for being who they are? By being an expert in your field. By being able to answer questions, craft solutions, present ideas, solve problems. If the only thing you can do is something that everyone else can do also, don’t expect to get paid more than $10 an hour for it. (Thankfully, every woman knows how to clean a house. That is why cleaning ladies are cheap!)

Find your area of expertise, and hone your skills. It may take months or years, but that is where you stand the best chance of making money from what you do. At that point, knowing what you know, you will be able to do things no one else can do. Once you can do that, you will be very successful.

Rather than ask, “What should I do?“, ask “Who should I be?” That’s a question worth finding an answer for. Kollel Guy.

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  1. Insulting to women, insulting to other singers whose families see them(or never see them) struggling.
    All of us work hard, let ‘H bless whom He sees fit to accept the blessing.
    Now get back to Beis Medrash and stop being somebody you are not.

  2. I personally am very hurt even though this has no connection to me. Are you jeoluos-well keep it within your circle and look for an expertise that may help you, but please don’t put others down
    thank you, agite vach and mazal tov on your new search for a new expertise

  3. This is common sense advise for hishdadlus in making a parnassa, al pi derech ateva. It really *does* work. Thank you, and I hope the community appreciates your article.

  4. Reb Kollel Guy:

    Did you ever hear of Mazal? 

    In the general parnasa realm, there is something called mazal. 
    See Gemara: Bana; Chaya; Mezoina b’mazla kaee.

    Not withstanding Yaakov’s voice, Reb Yaakov was at the right place at the right time. Mazal.  

    Those who remember will tell you that Yaakov’s first album came out during a quiet time when Mordechai Ben David and Avraham Fried had just released albums a few months earlier and the jewish music industry was shtil. 

    Enter Yoichy and Shweky and the rest is history. 

    Plain and simple Mazal. Mazal plus talent. But mazal no less 
    Talent yes. But please don’t write that if you excel at what you do you will be great.
    Not true.

    There are many talented accoutants that are struggling.  
    Some talented Rabbonim that don’t have minyan: did you forget the Gemara that one of the Tanayim was meshachrer his eved because he had no minyan.   RBSO where was the minyan? Did the Tana ch”v not excel at what he did?

    Reb kollel guy Please rethink your position before you go to work.

    Honing your skills is not enough; you need tefilla and a healthy dose of mazal. 

    Your post really hurt people that have skills and yet somehow did not make it. Through NO FAULT of their own. 

    Be aware, that while you never intended it as so, your pep talk was insulting to some people that did everything they should have but did not succeed. 

    Reb Kollel Guy, in conclusion, before you to work understand one thing: success at what you do is not in Your hands.
    Take your talents and run with it and daven that you will be great at what you do. 
    PS remember that there are many talented singers that do not have the financial success of Shweky. 

    Never equate financial success with being the best.  It is so krum.

    Never equate honing your skills with success 
    You can be great at what you do and be an anee ve’evyon.
    Remember this when seeking your choice of parnSsa after kollel.
    While I wish you much mazal, remember to daven hard. 
    It is not only your talent that will bring you parnassa. 
    No matter how great you are in what u do. 
     Talent in the big picture can take a back seat.

    Just my two cents. Gut voch. A mazaldiger torahdiger voch.  

  5. I agree with #5, but good marketing and branding helps too. It’s not neccessarily fair, but a person could be super skilled and talented, but until the public “catches on” he could be very unsuccessful. Good Mazal could also cause the “right person” to give you good “word of mouth” and create a trend.

  6. Did you not hear the mashgeiach on Purim? הרבה שלוחים למקום he cried out !! The fundamental hashkofa of maran Reb ahron was against becoming a profesional! Against college! Sadly Lakewood yeshiveva is so big there are guys who don’t even understand were they are!!

  7. Somebody seems to have a big pringle on his shoulder.
    I think the point of his article is to inspire people to avoid making career choices based on what yenem is doing.
    Each person needs to find what they excel at, was the point. I don’t think one should blindly decide to open another sock store and say the RBSO will bring me parnassah. There are so many sock stores that would be lmailah min hatevah to expect a mazeldike outcome.
    You are obviously just looking for something to write about.
    What happened? You trying out a new phone?

  8. I still do not understand when yungeleit give advise on parnassa.
    Just daven and do a little something and Hashem will bless you. I have no more skills then the next guy and probably won’t as I do not plan to ever do anything more then I am doing now but maybe to Daven with more concentration. I should you would speak to your Rosh Yeshiva for Dass Torah and I really feel bad for you that you feel you have to go out and make a parnossa.

  9. You are dead wrong about this issue. 
    #5 is correct. Hishtadlus plus tefillah mit a bissel mazal will help people with parnassa. If it means that some people go to school after kollel to become a doctor; accountant or lawyer so be it.
    Don’t misquote Reb Ahron. Reb Ahron zatzal was never refrencing those that learned in kollel and are going to school to become professionals to make parnassa. Reb Ahron zatzal was shraying Chay vekayum about shtudeering.
    While this distinction might be subtle, it is a big chiluk. 

    Therefore, before you pontificate about Reb Ahron I ask you the following question: did you directly hear that he was against becoming a professional from him, or did you say it  over in his name because it sounds good in Lakewood and you are sure that no one will challenge you. 

    Well, unless you show me either bichsav or on tape something to prove your point, I say If you did not hear it from him, I respectfully request that you refrain from making non verifiable statements about Roshei Yeshiva that are no longer with us r”l.

    Let the people in kollel ask daas Torah from their choshuvah Rabbonim that are b”h ready and able to give guidance to the yungerleit and i beg dee chushuver oilem please don’t take advise from some anonymous blogger giving deyus beshem Reb Ahron. 

    Oh and BTw why are you “Kim” on the Internet breakfast lunch and supper?  

  10. This is not something that is even up for debate, you abviously know nothing about reb aharon. Go ask anyone of his talmidim.. Any of them

  11. Although this is not the right forum, since you were מטיל ספק in the hashkafa of reb ahron בל״נ I will post later marei mekomos bicsav from many places in mishnas reb aharon (do you even know what this Sefer looks like?)

  12. To Kim:
    I have no doubts that in todays times R’ Ahron would make exceptions for CERTAIN people. An example may be yourself who seems to not do anything all day outside of blogging. Do you think you’re doing better for Hashem by sitting online and arguing back and forth anonymously or maybe the guy that sat IN Yeshiva for a number of years and then went to college so he can earn a respectable parnossah is doing more?? I feel quite comfortable to conclude that the you may want to start looking for a better career.
    As a second thought-there’s a reason why it say “el Hakohein asher yeeyeh bayomim haheim” and the meforshim explain that one must always ask the Gedolim in HIS time. Who really knows what R’ Aaron ZT’L would say today??? I personally know people who were “at risk” and were SENT to college by their rabbonim….and now are ehrliche yidden supporting their families.
    And so Mr. “Kim” why don’t you go ask your Rov(if you have one)if perhaps you should change courses in life? Maybe he’ll tell you that you are doing wonders by passing on R’ Ahron’s legacy tp the cyberworld.But MAYBE he will not.
    Have a great blogging day!!

  13. Good morning: I’m still waiting for the Mareh mekomos. 

    As I indicated earlier, if you provide them to me and the whole oilem chapter and verse of this sheeta I will stand corrected.
    Until then I have my doubts.  

    If you can’t prove your point please don’t resort to condescending retorts.  
    Zay gezunt.   

  14. If kollel guys thesis was so poshut, why did three commentators feel so hurt? 

    IMHO Kollel guy gives a rather simplistic explanation of the proper attitude in order to acheive success. 
    Neither I nor those other commentators  saw your upteisht in his words.


  15. Hey Kim!
    I’m thinking that you ONLY know the “shitos”of R’ Ahron and not much else. You likely know some sharp lines from the Brisker Rov Zt’l and some other gedolim but aside from that you only know how to get to http://www.thelakewoodscoop.com
    I’m sure R’ Ahron is REALLY proud of you. B’H even though BMG is so big you haven’t forgotten where you are!

  16. Kim:
    We are all sitting and waiting breathlessly for your referrences as to where Harav Ahron ZT”L implied that one should not learn an UMNUS Nobody appreciates irresponsible blogging in the name of Torah.

  17. Just to set things straight if you happen to be followings all of KIM s comments you will see that kim is a real ISH EMES he always speaks words of wisdom and truth and I feel that he is a true ben torah kim is a tzaddik and btw all kims comments are posted bein hasedarim I’m sure kim is shteiging full sedarim in yeshiva KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK KIM I ADMIRE AND RESPECT YOUR VALUES

  18. Kim is VERY busy lerarning right now. Give him some time,it’s not bein hasdorim yet. I wonder which chabura in Yeshiva looks up marei mekomos on college?? Where can I find a chavrusah on the subject? Kim?? I gotta go study for my upcoming exam.

  19. Although I never met R Aaron, I could almost guarantee you that he would be ASHAMED to have someone like you in his community, let alone in his yeshiva. Anyone who goes on the internet (not for business) and preaches about “what the gedolim say or think,” is a walking oxymoron! Do you really care about the gedolim? Why don’t you post which daas torah gave you a heter to be busy with blogging? To the best of my knowledge, the gedolim are busy making Kinnoses rallying against internet use. And in Eretz Yisroel, the gedolim are up in arms against jewish blogs. Kim, you clearly know better than all the gedolim and daas torah that you quate and emulate. FOR SHAME! And the ahavas yisroel you seem to possess, would make any yid jealous. FOR SHAME! Your clearly cynical, downgrading, and hateful comments about and to Hershel are despicable. FOR SHAME! Instead of appreciating Hershel for all his hard work he does for this community, to make lakewood a more pleasant and honest town, you mock and denigrate him. FOR SHAME! Why don’t you open a musser sefer (yes, yeshiva has a musser seder) and make a better yid out of yourself instead of harassing everyone on TLS?
    The lakewood scoop would be a better and more family oriented site without you. Please do us all a favor, and log off! We don’t need your kind in our blogging community. KEEP YOUR NEGATIVITY IN YOUR OWN HOME!

  20. kim knows how to make so much hock kim is the only commenter that can think a little out of the box I think kims deserves our respect

  21. To “Gotta love Kim”
    As long as you love him and he’s satisfied with that,because I’d oubt G-D is all that proud of him.
    And what do I care if his blogging is done bein hasdorim?? That makes it worse! If someone can learn all day and still blog away the remainder of the day then I am ashamed of what some in Lakewood have become.
    But for the record-I have my doubts about “Kim” sitting and learning all day.

  22. Dear scoop, Please calm down! after seeing the responses I see that for some reason this is a touchy topic (the Emes usually is..) I am not the person and as I said this is not the forum to teach reb aharons hashkofas, anyone who really wants to know is welcome to ask ANY talmid or talmids talmid. This includes the “Kohanim bayomim hazeh” ie. our roshei yeshivos and mashgiach. My sharp responses only came after I hear someone trying to make pilpulim and chilukim in hashkafa to fit HIS choice in life. Loi zo haderech! Especially since I know it to be sheker. since I promised a marei mokom you can read mishnas reb aharon chelek daled page 273 274 read end of shtikal carefully, but if you are really seeking the truth just ask and research.

  23. To barry I personally dont believe hashkofas hatorah change ever. I happen to know a little of the ugly liberal hashkafa that is taught in med school, law school and on College campuses in america. It is like pouring cold water on a flaming ben toras soul RC”L. I doubt Reb aahron would have changed his shita, if anything the matzav got worse! about “kosher courses listen to the mashgiach from purim night… its on the scoop.

  24. One more thing: Its not about Kim, its about the issues! deal with them!
    I never claimed to be or represent a ben torah or daas torah or BMG.

  25. Kim, I agree with you completely. Anytime one tries to defend Torah Hashkafa, they get knocked down.
    Let’s face it, one has to rely on a miracle for a living, so why not have full bitachon and keep in Kollel.
    Other’s bring proofs from all over, but we trust our Daas Toirah to know what to do, and I have yet to hear anybody say to go to work.

  26. Kim:
    I actually talk to the Mashgiach on a steady basis. I also discuss anything that arises in my family with gedolim both here and in Eretz Yisroel. And I was told to continue in college. And I don’t only discuss issues I want to discuss,I discuss things that may sometimes be uncomfortable to discuss but I live by Daas Torah. Daas Torah of today’s gedolim! The mashgiach has told me things that apply to SOME PEOPLE and in many instances MANY people but yet he would never say the same thing in public lest his words get misinterpreted…..I myself was shocked when discussing a particular issue that I know he’s very sharp on and he totally brushed it under the rug in my situation.
    And so-dont make any blanket statements when you have no clue what you’re talking about. There’s a reason why it says “Hakohain asher yi’ye bayomim hahaim”. I never said R’ Ahron would change his mind today,but I have reason to believe he would send many out to college. Of course I may be wrong. At the same time you may be wrong and since I don’t suspect you to be a gadol,I will listen to our universally accepted gedolim. I still don’t think R’ Ahron Zt’l would be real proud of your constant blogging as a pastime.

  27. Kolel guy was talking to the rabim, I was talking to the rabim. What’s your point? Who even cares about what YOU were told to do. Kol T

  28. Stop “talking for the Rabbim” 
    Barry makes a valid point. He is an oisgearbiter individual that speaks to current daas Torah about his issues.
    You on the otherhand blog and give anonymous Deyos about the Rosh Yeshiva Reb Ahron Zatzal.
    What right do you have to give deyos for the rabbim?

    Maybe you are allowed to argue with HH about how a golus yid acts. Maybe. But to give deyos for the klal. 
    My, what big anonymous pleytzers you have.

    Keep in mind Nobody individually is a rabim. Everyone is a yochid and a prat and they should do as Barry.  Talk to your daas Torah. And don’t do something just because all your chevra is doing it.
    And please don’t  do something just because KIm says Reb Ahron held like that.
    That is not correct. Each yachids case is different. Mine is different than Kims and different than Barry we must be misyaetz with hayntinger roshei yeshiva and then act upon the advice.
    If Kim can shteig in kollel for a long time, ashrei Loi. But he should not be giving deyos to the klal about school.
    Kim is zoiche to be from the amudei oilam. Gevaldig. And I think he should be commended and held in high esteem for his act of learning and being from the yesodei oilam.    
    But if you can’t. And you are thinking about school  Discuss it. (not with Kim or me).   

    Zay gezunt Kim. I wish you all the best.  And please do me one big toiva don’t be condescending to those that disagree with you.  If you disagree, argue with class.      

  29. Talking TOO the rabim as in talking in general terms -this is the hashkafa. Secondly Barry was extreamly dissrespectful I just spoke his language..

  30. Kim:

    This is a previous comment of yours.

    “To barry I personally dont believe hashkofas hatorah change ever. I happen to know a little of the ugly liberal hashkafa that is taught in med school, law school and on College campuses in america. It is like pouring cold water on a flaming ben toras soul RC”L. I doubt Reb aahron would have changed his shita, if anything the matzav got worse! about “kosher courses listen to the mashgiach from purim night… its on the scoop.”

    You questioned my response. It’s very simple-I am trying to show that R’ Matisyahu himself will tell different people different things,so STOP your hocking and sit down and learn. Believe me I miss my days in Yeshiva. Before I left Yeshiva I spoke to the Mashgiach too. I miss Yeshiva but I don’t miss the companionship of your type. The true yungerleit that are learning are not sitting and blogging all day. I know the type that is, and I don’t accept hashkofah shmoozen from such people. Kol Tuv to you to. Much Hatzlocha in all your endeavors!!

  31. Hashem put us all here and we are all very special in whatever we do or whoever we are. It’s very nice to have famous lime light singers at these yom tovim week long get together’s and they do get asked from several different hotels to sing and entertain. The “famous singers” choose who and which hotel will $$,$$$$ pay them more, like a bid. Meanwhile there are many other singers that do go to kollel or work and live in the community that have outstanding voices, they’re just unknown. Not all hotels have the BIG stars to join them and so they rather have no show at all because they didn’t get the “famous singers”. They don’t even try to get unknown singers that I am sure many men that have great voices would love to entertain just for the chance and fun of it. If anyone may know if some of these hotels do have unknown singers, how do they find them????

  32. singing is not what hashem considers a chasava.ask any singer where his tunes come from the answer would not be from a yiddese source.sso what your doing is is talking a goyishe tune and putting heilage words in p.s. I DONT MEAN any insults I am voicing my opnion

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