The constant rise in car accidents is a significant concern for New York state administration and residents. High traffic volume and congestion in New York City contribute to the occurrence of accidents.
You can schedule an initial consultation with a car accident lawyer any time following a collision, but the sooner, the better. An experienced New York City car accident lawyer will assess the strengths and weaknesses of your case to help you determine your next course of action.
A Car Accident Lawyer Can Help You To Navigate The Complex New York No-fault Insurance System
New York City requires all drivers in the state to have the no-fault auto insurance called personal injury protection (PIP). PIP’s purpose is to ensure accident victims receive compensation for medical expenses and lost wages after an accident. The no-fault system does not require parties in an accident to prove fault. To help accident victims with severe injuries or extensive losses, New York has set a serious injury threshold that allows victims to bypass the no-fault process and file a personal injury lawsuit.
However, insurers often offer accident victims low-ball settlements that are just a fraction of what they need to recover.
If you’re concerned about the cost of hiring a car accident lawyer, as many people are, remember that most car accident lawyers work on a contingency fee basis. The Top Reasons For Contacting A Car Accident Lawyer After An Accident After a car accident in New York, a seasoned personal injury lawyer can help victims with the following:
Assessing the validity and viability of the accident case
Helping accident victims understand the intricate legal processes
Obtaining a copy of the police report
Locating and collecting medical reports and records
Determining fault and liable parties
Determining the claim value
Identifying and interviewing witnesses
Investigating and documenting the accident scene
Hiring and consulting experts from various fields such as accident reconstruction experts, life care planners, economists, vocational guidance experts, and experts from various areas of medicine
Helping accident victims understand the ramifications of their injuries and assisting them in locating the best doctors and rehabilitation facilities
Ensuring accident victims fully understand the specific time limits, restrictions, and rules for filing an accident claim. In New York, the Statute of Limitations for filing a personal injury lawsuit is three years from the accident date
Negotiating tirelessly to secure a fair settlement on behalf of accident victims
Taking the case to trial f settlement negotiations fail
Recovering economic damages such as medical bills, lost wages, loss of future earning capacity, and costs of rehabilitation, and non-economic damages for pain and suffering, mental anguish and emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life and consortium.
Contact A New York City car accident lawyer
The consequences of a car accident can be far-reaching, impacting daily life, physical and emotional health, and financial security. It’s imperative to work with a lawyer who has experience in handling accident cases similar to yours and possesses a thorough understanding of New York personal injury and traffic laws. Contact a New York City car accident lawyer to schedule a free case review. The best time to call a car accident lawyer in New York is immediately after a car crash. The next-best time is right now.