Even though we can celebrate together this Fourth of July, continue to keep your distance from fireworks – a lot of distance.
Every year, people suffer serious eye injuries from backyard fireworks displays. Most of the victims are children and bystanders located nowhere near the pyrotechnics. As Independence Day nears the New Jersey Academy of Ophthalmology and the American Academy of Ophthalmology is working to dispel the myths that put people at risk of blindness.
“Most people just don’t see the harm in sparklers, spinners, firecrackers, and bottle rockets, and they learn too late the necessity of wearing eye protection,” said Dianna Seldomridge, M.D., clinical spokesperson for the American Academy of Ophthalmology. “It’s best to leave fireworks to the professionals. But if you choose to celebrate with fireworks, wear safety goggles and take all the necessary precautions to keep your family safe.”
NJAO President, Albert Khouri, MD, said “Thousands get ocular injuries from fireworks every year. Most of these occur as we celebrate Independence Day and affect bystanders while celebrating at home. Please wear protective eye wear, be safe and enjoy your Fourth!”
• Myth #1: Consumer fireworks are harmless. Fireworks can cause blinding eye injuries such as chemical and thermal burns, corneal abrasions or retinal detachment. If you live in a state where consumer fireworks are legal and have plans to use them, wear eye protection.
• Myth #2: Sparklers are made for kids and aren’t dangerous. Don’t let their small size fool you; sparklers burn at more than 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit. That’s hot enough to melt certain metals.
• Myth #3: Duds are harmless. Malfunctioning fireworks should be handled with caution. Do not try to relight faulty fireworks. Instead, soak it in water and throw the dud away.
• Myth #4: Only those handling the fireworks are at risk. The majority of firework-related eye injuries happen to bystanders. Watch fireworks from at least 500 feet away and make sure everyone is wearing eye protection.
One fellow, upon seeing a fireworks show, exclaimed in awe, “Out of sight, man!”
This prompted the guy standing next to him to inquire, “Fireworks can effect your sight and vision. How’s your eyesight? Are you okay?! Can you see anything?!””
“My eyes are perfect,” the fellow replied, “they’re out of sight, man!”