As TLS’s popularity continues to grow throughout the Lakewood community and around the world, thousands rely on our website for up to the minute news and information pertaining to the Lakewood community. We constantly receive emails with suggestions and ideas and try to implement whatever we feel necessary and constructive. Your interest is our interest, and we therefore very much appreciate your feedback. So here’s our suggestion. In the comments section of this article, or via email, let us know what you feel about our content and features, and what you would like to see more or less of on TLS.
We pride ourselves in being the news source for Lakewood’s online community, and with your feedback we look forward to continuing to do so.
do not start reporting on national or international news! Stick to lakewood.
I would like to see more articles on halacha and such things and less off opinion peaces from stam unqualified college guys, maybe we should have opinions from a rabbi or something…
A little less flattery of the police dept would be nice. They do a ok job but sometimes it sounds like we are terrified of them so we over sing there praises
Spell check option before posting a comment would be very helpfull, I went to yeshiva for highschool and cant spell if my life depended on it. I always write one word first and then ost so i dont sound stupid like a lot of ppl do !! Thanks
How about events from other faiths. Lakewood is a town of many people, that hold events. All news should get equal treatment.
I would like to see less control over comments. No I dont mean comments that contain explicit or foul language. I mean comments that critisize certain powers which you dont let through.
How about a listing of all the schools in town, with a comment by the administrator or principal explaining their Maalos.
How about more news about the slumlords in Lakewood who harbor Trash!
are there any simchas that are ever happening in lakewood i would like to see my nephews bar mitzva or my grandchilds bris occasions of SIMCHA in lakewood (not just sad news)
More posts on the corruption and waste of taxpayer money by the powers to be and the establishment.
more censored. hock may be nice but shmiras halashon/k’siva is CRUCIAL!!
No comments that border on Chillel Hashem. i.e. comments by (moderated).
I agree with 4 and 5, but I know thier is a lot more arrests in this town and we should know how much crime thier really is, between drugs and gangs. The people should know what 18 spray painted all over our buildings stand for.
Clean up the comments section. Only well thought out ideas should be published and if the writer wants to stay anonymous on line, the writer’s name should still be verified through TLS editor. Sort of like letters to the editor for legitimate newspapers. This will insure that the same person is not writing all the comments and help keep out the dumb one line comments that would never be made if it wasn’t anonymous. A debate of ideas is useful – dumb hock just destroys.
The Question shold be ” What would you like to see less of …… ”
Allow clean comments that bring out corruption with “the powers that be” and “fun unzera”!!! Stop blocking all those!!!! It looks like you are protecting them!
1. a minyan zmanim chart
2. a music link
3. a slight ease up on the moderation (a good sharp line should be allowed to pass through)
4. no car crash pictures
5. less videos of peoples weddings (band playing ok, dancing bores me)
6. more editorials
more exposing the vaad
tiny tots
cedarbridge corp etc…
14 your skitzofrenik your comment IS annonomous!!!
always enjoy watching Goodman flippping overturned cars!
less car crash pictures, agreed
less chanifa to the township departments
more accountabiltity from the department heads tough questions and interviews not somw video message without being challenged.
How come the APP Article about the Lakewood and Jackson Police Department’s settlement with a Lakewood Student was not featured this week? Chanifa was already mentioned in a previous comment.
A blog that is not anonymous cannot be respected unless it reports everything.
keep certain stories with only serious/sensitive comments
let the letzim have fun, but not on all stories.
more upcoming events/weddings/etc
i keep missing simchas, i daily list in every hall would be great
Expose Bob Singer’s shtick.
shoin genuk with hershel- relay he is fabulous, but enough is enough
Please don’t feature Avi Solomon even though he knows history and how to spell better than me.
what used to make this a good site was more uncencored comments and more hock. it keeps corruption down when people know it will get out.
Please stick to Lakewood news only, there are enough of the other sites reporting on anything and everything.
stick to the facts.
less bashing of ppl that arent yeshivish. ( working guys)
less news that doesn’t pertain to us. I care that 2 goyim were in a crash.
Avi Solomon is not rabban shel b’nei hagola – leave him out & report from people who matter
Run a feature on Lakewod real estate, with emphasis on the newer housing developments – interactive maps, comparing distance to BMG, cost, size, rentable basements, etc.
You have to figure out what your objective is. If your objective is to be a hock site, meaning, you post every hatzalah call, break in, and all chasunas that contain Rosh Yeshivas, then your doing a good job. However, if your goal is to make this town a better, more informed, and less corrupt place to raise our children, then you are doing a mediocre job.
I’m not suggesting that you should post every accusation, but this town is tired of people doing things “for the benefit of the tzibbur.” Let it be posted what these people are actually doing “for the benefit of the tzibbur.” And if it is not for our benefit, and not with the haskama of our gedolim, then perhaps it. SHOULD be made known. I don’t pride myself to be a posek, but tls has a rabbinical commitee. Perhaps tls could ask if it is permissable to post about people taking advantage of us. Trust me, that is the only language they understand.
In my humble opinion, tls is a bit of both. But imagine how much more you can do for our town? You are in a unique position tls. Please do what’s right.
Thank you!
i can do without seeing EVERY motor vehicle accident!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#25 for a woman who dresses so tzniyusdick the local illegals wont whistle at her, you certainly seem forward in relaying to HH how “fabulous” he is. GO BACK TO THE KITCHEN
Stop all your chanifa to our public officals hamaven yoven,stop bashing people in lakewood if they are not yeshavish we are all tzlem elokim,bring out substace abuse problem in lakewood,stop the rechilos,motzei shem rah in general your news reporting in lakewood is good but the one sided. Stand you take towards posting coments is unfair
His shtick is exposed already.
More news on the entire Lakewood Community rather than just the Jewish Community within the Lakewood Community.
less stories that breed sinas chinam…the selfish political comments are sooooo pathetic and it seems ppl feel a need to always bash s/o else…only shalom will bring the geula we sooooo badly need! thank you though for being such a wonderful source of imp info! keep it up
Edit your images. We would prefer 2 or 3 quality pictures than to look though 75 unprofessional ones. I can’t understand how you can post pictures that are out of focus.
AVI solomon is great but if its all bad in lakewood all the time, just move out. i love it here. TLS you rock.please make a blackberry version that i dont have to see all the side stuff.
Does tls really have a rabinic board? Is it a secret who they are? Can you publish their names. Just curiouse
Agree w/ 39, but it’s a fact of life on all printed and internet publications nowadays. I barely look at the photos because it hurts my eyes.
a sit down interview with officer butterworth!
More exposure of all our wonderful organizations that are there for us 24/7 and less political. Garbage you really did yourself in with that video a few weeks ago. Portraying lakewood boys smoking up as a role model I don’t think people are intrested. In that
Just keep on doing what youre doing! Your site is a breath of fresh air from these other “Heimishe” sites out there.
Please bring real Daas Torah, not daas Hershel or Avi!
tls rocks- just enoghouh with the cops. to much praise they dond deserve…
Less saloman more lakewood jewish news less general nj news ( we can go to asbury park press for that , maybe more really good writers also the site is hard to down load on a cell phone
If you do choose to publish the opinions of avi Solomon at leasts ease up a little on the moderation of responses to his college type deios. Thanx
how about putting a time and date stamp under all story headlines “just i n” “happening now” does give us a true time of the event. i agree with the photo comment you need a flash for the night pictures.
#31 who is us??? And everyone needs to leave Avi alone he should be able to share his thoughts.
More of hershel holding his cup.
I wouldl love to hear if there is a really great sale going on in L.W or on the web. Some people just seem to know about a metziah before the stores themselves know about it. If you have a good shopper out there who can keep us posted and save us $$$ I think many would appreciate this.
less hershel
quit the poltiks
I would like a mobile edition!!!!!!
Stop being so scared of a negative comment about the vaad… They are a political party and a negative comment said in the right way is bot a big deal. Also don’t start a controvercial topic if you will not post comments that sway the opinion a way that you don’t like. Also don’t let herschel use you as his personal microphone.
-safety driving/ road tip of the day. little reminders for what many in lakewood have seemed to forgotten since taking our road test.
– less violent pictures a simple report will do. maybe enable the graphic images of blood and gore optional with a link for those in need of the view.
I undesrtand that this is a jewish site , but like someone else said there is a huge polish , african-american and spanish community. I’m a pole myself and I really enjoy your site.
more harold
Comment 56 is not from Kim
What about a link to a non moderated site so that we really rip ALL corrupt lakewood people.
Expose the corruption in town. (highlight the good there is as well though) . take on issues and get something done. THAt letter this morning abt the women that was harassed- that must be taken care of. gangs must be taken care of. downtown must be taken care of. drugs must be taken care of. the only thin that gets the politicians miving these days is the fear of embarasment. otherwise they dont pay attention. thanks tls.
How bout a direct instant connection with Butterworth so we can chat with him at any time. He seems to be an up an coming individual. Maybe something on a blackberry messenger application.
less kim
have dates on the posts
more controvercial hock