Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach Zatzal says, that even if you missed a night and can no longer count with a Bracha you can still make a Bracha if you are being Motzi another person. Therefore if you are the Chazzan and it will be very embarrassing to ask someone else to make the Bracha for the tzibbur, Rav Shlomo Zalman suggests, that you ask someone who is counting with a Bracha not to make the Bracha that night and instead he should let you make the Bracha for him. He will be Yotzei with you Bracha.
Even though the rule is that in order to be Motzi someone else, you yourself must be obligated, in this case says Rav Shlomo Zalman, you are obligated in the Mitzva only since you forgot you cannot make a Bracha. However you are still responsible for others and therefore can make a Bracha for them. Revach.
“and it will be very embarassing”????? Are people such incredible baalei gaiva that they think this is “very embarrasing”. Stuff happens, get over it and grow up.
It is referring to a young bar mitzva boy who lacks the maturity to be unaffected by this, or to a Rov/Talmid Chochom whose omission might cause a Chilul Hashem
huh? has a good point
Where can I look this up?
Would you tell someone that you spoke loshon horah or did anything else wrong no its embarrising! Yes we need to learn from our mistakes but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be embarresed you would be after 120 then certainly you should be embaresed now the only reason your not is because we are so used to it its like the womwn who dresses inproper she’s not embaresd only becuase unfourtunately the huzbands have allowed it to become the norm!
its embarresing for a rav to talk aabout the inyan of tznius. yet we have speeches about it. since when does halacha change because someone feels uncomfortable
There is another way out.The Ba-al Tefilah can insist that he is super frum, and according to his “zman” it’s to early to count sefirah, and therefore he needs a “shabbos goy” to count for him with a brocha.
Hey wise guy that excuse won’t work @11 PM in shomrie shabbos ?!?!