What Should the Lakewood Township Name the New Pedestrian Walkway Across the Lake?

Post your lake path name ideas in the comments section. We’ll submit the list of ideas to Township officials.


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  1. The Mike Delia Sr Walkway/Bridge. In honor of all the hard work he has put in to this town. He is an amazing person and deserves tremendous recognition.

  2. Lakeview crossing
    Lakewood lake passage
    Tranquil waters path
    Serenity bridge
    Lakewood aqueduct
    Blue horizon walkway
    Lakeside promenade
    Reflection pathway

  3. Derech Eretz
    Lakewood Link
    Learning Lane
    Scholars stroll
    Wisdom Way
    Reflection Ridge
    Torah Trek
    Study Stretch
    Tikkun Olam
    Az Yashir
    Darchei Noam
    Shalom Bayis

  4. Carasaljo walkway. . The lake was always special place for us growing up in Lakewood. They use to have a lot of events happening there but no more. So sad.. The bridge is for everyone in Lakewood so please name it for everyone..

  5. 1) The North-South Water Trail

    2) South Lake Water Trail

    3) Noreen’s Walkway at Carasaljo (after Mayor Coles’ Mother)

    4) 10/7 Tribute Crossing

  6. Lakewood used to have several horse farms and they all had warnings posted that it is dangerous to enter and may cause loss of life or limb this was probably required by law i just hope there will be a sign posted on this bridge that it is only for adults or children with a responsible adult even on the beaches there are signs about riptides and having kids on scooters ebikes or just running on this unsafe walkway should be illegal this is not a kid friendly bridge and should be used only with an understanding of the risks involved even in good weather

  7. “Gateway”. I understand that the bridge will be used to access duplex houseboats that will be moored on either side, because the lake has been quietly rezoned for residential development.

  8. I think it should be called the Borsalino Bridge and we should ask them to sponsor the Bridge because Borsalino is going to have the last laugh. Every day another hat (or two) are going to fall in the lake.. thus every day a new hat (or two) will be purchased as a result….

  9. Lake Carasaljo was created with a dam across the Metedeconk River..just west of Rt.9…around 1750.The dam powered a sawmill. The Lake was named Carasaljo in 1865. Cara Sal Jo were the 3 daughters of the owner Joe Brick that drowned in the lake. In Lakewood the Halahic river designation is “on the River Metedeconk”.
    …………..The Metedeconk Bridge”…………

  10. “UCH’NVAY WAY”
    or simply “UCHNWAY”

    Next comes the ferry.

    Of course a see-through tunnel would make a great Pesach Chal Hamoed Trip- though with all the bread crumbs from Tashlich you may be oiver Ba’al Yerueh!

    AND…. Don’t forget floating parking lots…. It’s coming….

    If the developers keep the water in the lake – they can always create houseboats. Imagine all the Hilchos Shabbos Torah that can be invented!

    Poor fish though! Farrtramatized Fish!

  11. “UCH’NVAY WAY”
    or simply “UCHNWAY”

    Next comes the ferry.

    Of course a see-through tunnel would make a great Pesach Chal Hamoed Trip- though with all the bread crumbs from Tashlich you may be oiver Ba’al Yerueh!

    AND…. Don’t forget floating parking lots…. It’s coming….

    If the developers keep the water in the lake – they can always create houseboats. Imagine all the Hilchos Shabbos Torah that can be invented!

    Poor fish though! Farrtramatized Fish!

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