2024 is a few days away, and Lakewood Township officials will soon be discussing the issues they’d like to tackle for the year.
What do YOU suggest Township officials focus on this year?
Let us know in the comments section below.
Responses will be sent to the Township Committee ahead of the reorganization meeting.
No more construction of houses !!!! Just say no this toen can’t handle Roadway construction only overnight starting 11pm.
Widening of main roads to alleviate traffic.
Get rid of self elected members and get new members on committees so the people of this town are represented!!!
Route 9 traffic! Route 9 traffic! Route 9 traffic!
a way to increase lights by streets and traffic control
I suggest that they actually look at and take these comments and other input into consideration.
Making the downtown a nicer place to be.
This is the heart of Lakewood, and what people picture when they think of the town. It should be a place where people want to gather, meet friends, and have a sense of community.
It should be a safe and pleasant place to be for everyone who goes there.
This means cleaning up garbage, fixing lights, repainting facades, replacing missing signage, having trees and benches, and including attractive features such as flowers and art that act as a focal point.
It means having communal spaces that draw people in, which in turn makes everyone feel safe and welcome.
Other goals should be supporting local businesses, making biking and scootering safe and convenient, and resurfacing existing roads.
They should focus on the traffic violations in Lakewood. The police need to start enforcing and ticketing drivers for basic traffic laws like not blocking intersections, distracted/Reckless driving, etc.
The township probably doesn’t know about this issue, but the levels of people being geshmak have reached all time highs in 2023. With the most recent introduction of extremely overpriced grocery stores, the bnei torah are having difficulty keeping up withe trends. Other trends such as, radios, lights and sirens, sourdough, meatboards, Genesis’, going to Cancun for pesach, and flexing a rents worth of a coat (which isn’t even nice btw), have been forced upon the jewish society of lakewood. What happened to the times where people drove regular cars, ate regular food, and normal things. With the increase in low self asteem in lakewood, the township is not headed for such good places. If the people of the township could come up with any ideas of how we can lower the bar for basic things in our lives it would help us all.
Baruch I have an idea for you to lower your bar. Start looking around at how much good Lakewood has to offer. Me and most of my neighbors, and the relatives I have in Lakewood stay home or go to relatives for Pesach and drive regular cars make regular kiddushim with standard kugel, cake and few other things. We shop in regular grocery stores and eat regular food. Lakewood has soooo much good to offer! Start looking around 🙂
I think passing term limits for the Township Committee should be on the top of the agenda.
Potholes! Potholes! Potholes!
The new green deal 👌 😍
Reusable shopping bags
Electric ovens, electric cars.
Who has money for electric cars? I don’t like them!
Whatever they promised to do in order to get elected!
Post street name signs where they are missing.
I think they should pressure higher ups to low income and housing tax. We have almost the highest in the country!
Beautify Lakewood and Lake Carasaljo please!
1. Contract a bulk rate installation of traffic lights at every intersection (it’s gonna happen anyway so might as well save money).
2. Use the money saved from traffic lights as tax credits to encourage & entice builders to continue building housing to alleviate the housing shortage in Lakewood.
Impound vehicles of unsafe driver’s immediately.
I agree with you 100%
1. Better lighting for all Lakewood roads
2. Outlaw scooter and anything not a bike. Require special reflective gear
3. Put a moratorium on ALL building new construction both residential and commercial until current traffic situation is better solved
Open the meetings up live so we can come in and tell you in person
open meetings
Please open paper Streets
Check for uninsured motorists. How can there be so many dinged up cars and so few auto body shops in and around town? Install red light and speed cameras. There needs to be more financial incentives to better, safer driving.
Install traffic circles and roundabouts instead of traffic lights. They are cheaper, quicker, and are safer, too. You will spend time waiting in traffic.
Get double decker school busses to reduce traffic. Girls on top and boys below – will travel separately to satisfy whatever the necessary religious requirement. It will cut the need for busses in half.
Bring the Mitzvah tank to Lakewood.
Open up a Jewish sports hall of fame museum in Pine Park.
Have Father Guido Sarducci conduct Christmas midnight mass services at St Mary’s church.
Have coffee with a cop day.
Put a dome on Blue Claws stadium and get an area football team to play there.
Bring back movie night at the Strand theater.
Have bingo night at the Ocean county library.
Have a school crossing guard appreciation day.
Name a street after Mike D’Elia.
Form a crew team for Gregorian and BMC and let them practice on the Lake.
Bring back the horse and carriage buggies. They can ride along the dirt path on Vine and Vermont.
That’s enough for now.
What’s a Mitzvah Tank?
Make the town more pedestrian friendly.
Open Washington from pine st to cedar bridge
Bring in a large amount of strange and unfriendly traffic enforcement cops to nail the many reckless drivers and get thousands of drivers off their cell phones while driving.
The old guys have to go time for change its not Russia over here
Enforce traffic rules on that are on books like any other township! Speeding, driving while on the cell phone, and reckless driving are the biggest road hazards in our township! No one cares until someone’s child gets hit and then what would “I’m sorry accomplish”?
How about they look at last year’s list, and the year before, and the year before. All the same stuff still apply. Nobody believes any of it will get done.
The township should read all the comments above (and below) and act upon them.
Generously dedicated land for dirt-biking.
PLEASE do something about Cedarbridge Avenue crossing New Hampshire
There are way too many accidents there every day.
Something must be done about this intersection
We need to bring red-light cameras to accident-prone intersections. Too many people are blowing past steady reds.
Red light cameras are not legal in NJ.
Arguably, they may be unconstitutional, but that is a longer debate.
We need more barber shops.
Also, there aren’t any pet shops in Lakewood.
We need gerbils.
They have a calming effect.
More positive interaction with our police officers. Lakewood township is fortunate to have a police department that’s second to none. Our officers are truly from the best of the best. Their professionalism along with their sensitivity to the various communities here in Lakewood is truly unique. I’ve had the opportunity to meet up with officers over the years in different settings (as long as I can remember
it was always for a good reason) and it has always been a great experience. I just think especially for the children in our communities, they would really love it if from time to time a police officer would stop by at a school during recess or perhaps hang out in downtown (not the ones on bicycles looking for a fish) but ones on the beat so people can meet and greet the officers or even at the shopping plazas around town. I really think it would create such a positive atmosphere that would have good repercussions..
Umm calming effect? are you sure? Gerbils run around quickly, sort of like chipmunks & aren’t the best pets for most people, they have a lot of requirements & need a big/roomy cage with deep bedding. Fish are usually recommended as a calming pet, but each individual fish species have their own needs as well.
Opening up roads like Arlington to Pine..
More jobs for everyone
Rent control
No more tax abatements
A flower pot on every corner.
When a town looks beautiful it causes the residents to have pride in where they live which encourages neatly manicured homes & garbage free streets.
1. Pressuring and demanding the state government provide the proper funding for the school district.
2. Work on preserving what undeveloped land remains, like the forest between Cedar Bridge and Pine. “Opening paper roads” is going to backfire if we are opening them for the house builders.
3. Demand the county government maintain their roads. The county roads throughout town are always in terrible condition.
4. Pressure the state government for real fixes and improvements to their roads.
5. Establish a downtown business district.
6. Update and change the Township Master Plan to reduce the runaway development.
Put in the traffic lights on the 9 that were already approved, and start enforcing traffic safety violations before someone gets hurt C”VS!
If left turns onto the 9 were outlawed, traffic would instantly improve and the rate of accidents would plummet!
Would love for them to tell us what they have done this past year to bring down taxes?
What expenses have they cut down on?
Something is really wrong if taxes for a townhouse in early 90s was $3600 and now over $10,000 with tens of thousands of homes that have been built since then (even including inflatin).
Making sure people park on the correct side of the street. Those who park on the wrong side will park farther away from the curb and the vehicle will obstruct drivers who are trying to mind their own business and drive well, as well as those who are trying to get out their driveways without colliding with cars or pedestrians.
Mandated audits and Inspectors General overseeing every detail in every department.
Never happen. Too much hidden. Geulah will reveal all. If you’re good, relax.
How about picking up all the leaves not picked up in 2023?
A new zoning board with people that care about the over development issue.
And more meat boards as well.
Enforce property maintenance (especially private schools). Storage of trash cans should not be seen from the road. Cross Street looks like a ghetto with all the trash on properties and trash containers visible from the road. Lakewood is bursting at the seams and is already overpopulated and can’t handle anymore development. Already too many tax exempt properties which hurts homeowners because they have to pick up the lost taxes. Make 2024 a better year for Lakewood and neighboring towns. Clean up the town. Message to residents — teach your children to stop littering and hitchhiking.
Keep simcha halls out of residential neighborhoods. It is disgusting to keep the neighbors hostage in their homes until the nightly traffic gridlock clears eases up.
we really need a very important thing from township,
a sms system that residents can get alerts when there is different garbage day pickup due to holiday etc.
When I drive around I see about 70% of residents put out the garbage even though the pickup for that week has been switched
Thank You
A comprehensive Lakewood shuttle service will take care of traffic and help people who don’t drive. You can have express routs and local routs
How will you convince people to get out of there cars?
Most people want a mass transit that everyone else takes so they can drive nicely, not one that they take.
There is no such thing as “express routs and local routs”. But there are “express routes and local routes”.