What Lakewood can expect with the upcoming snow storm

As the first snow storm of the season moves into the area, TLS spoke with Lakewood Township Manager Patrick Donnelly with regards to what we can expect.

Donnelly says the Township is ready – they’ve been prepping for about a week, and contractors are on standby.

The Township Manager gave us the following update:

“We start off quiet here with sun fading to increasing clouds. Tonight, temperatures fall near or just below freezing, which will set the stage for our event tomorrow.

Wednesday morning starts off dry, though light snow will arrive 11AM – 2PM. With how cold it starts out, pavement coverage can occur not long after it begins. The issue with this storm, however, will be just how long the cold air winds out before this snow changes over. Right now, the thinking is that the steadier snow continues past sunset before the rain/snow line pushes inland between 6 – 9PM. Snow totals will be drastic as you move from southeast to northwest, with our preliminary range of 2-4″ of accumulation. Once this happens, a cold rain will continue through the overnight. Otherwise, it will be quite windy with wind gusts as high as 40 – 45 mph at times.

As the storm starts to move out, cold air will funnel back in by the early morning on Thursday, which can flip any rain back over to a snowy mixture before ending.”

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