What Does Infertility Sound Like?

[COMMUNICATED] We hear sounds everywhere.
The sounds of children talking.

The sounds of playful laughter.

The sounds of a baby crying.

The sounds of homework, and supper, and bedtime.

These are the sounds of family life.

The sounds of parents and children.

The sounds of blessing.

But what does infertility sound like?


It is the sound of silence.

A deafening silence.

A painful silence.

A silence filled with loneliness and torment, with dashed expectations and disappearing hope.

In Lakewood, there are unfortunately so many couples experiencing that very silence. An agonizing silence. An excruciating silence in many cases as they await funds from Bonei Olam for fertility treatments.

But we can do something to break that silence.

We can turn the silence into sounds of joy, sounds of happiness – sounds of life.

Together, we can ensure that those who need Bonei Olam’s help can receive it, filling their lives with joy, laughter…and the dream of a child.

Together, Let’s Break the Silence


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