What Do You Love About Lakewood?

Last week, TLS asked readers what they would fix about Lakewood if they could.

Among the many responses, some readers suggested it sounded too negative and requested that we revise the question and rather ask readers what they loved about Lakewood.

In the comments section below, list the things you love about our town!

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    • Goose would like to respectfully point out that in places like KJ, Monroe and various other enclaves there is exclusively Chareidim in Lakewood there are some gentiles that live and do business here but your point is well taken as it’s identity is definitely the Chareidim & the structure we live in while it does have it’s flaws is fantastic.

      Gossage out!

  1. The fact that as a high functioning autistic person, I know what I’m worth to most the people in this town. 💀
    I also love how there were no school options for me as a kid that wouldn’t treat me like a disease.

  2. Our access to nature. Our lakes and parks are wonderful assets to us. Our dwindling stock of unspoiled woodlands plus our proximity to the beaches, ocean, and Barnegat Bay.

  3. Bein Hazmanim… when the streets are drivable 😂

    But I love the overall innocence of the kids and surrounding Lakewood in general. (Like the kids for the most part aren’t aspiring to be superman and other TV characters.)
    And while it may not be a good thing, the convenience of what we have available for the Jewish world.

    And the countless chesed orgs.

  4. I love Lakewood since I moved here 14 years ago from Brooklyn to A Country Place. I love the Yeshivish atmosphere, the beautiful lake and the parks. There are so many stores, I could shop the whole day. Don’t let me start with all the restaurants ! Lakewood I love you.
    S. Katz

  5. there are so many things i dont know where to start. Its a literal dream for a jew having grown up out of town. so many types of everything i can wish for in ruchnius and in gashmius. I have so many old friends that live here. I have relatives. I have amazing frum neighbors!! i dont need to worry who my kids are playing with.. i live in a neighborhood of solid bnei torah only this town can offer. I have a parnassah dealing with heiliger frum yiddin. Thats almost impossible anywhere else. I have every type of store of clothes and food possible . i have so many types of schools and shuls. i have a local government that works with the frumer!!! they understand our needs! Where else do u have that to such a degree??? I have evrey posek i need. I have talmidei chachomim of the highest caliber in every direction i turn. I have an amazing choice of top chavrusas for when i want to lear. i have a strong hashpaah on me to shteig. and on and on and on..

  6. That there are so many schools. This allows us to be part of a school community where everybody looks the same, dresses the same, acts the same, believes the same, thinks the same & talks the same.
    It’s comforting to know my Heilige kinderlach will never (Ch’V) interact with anyone from “outside our (4’x6′) tent”
    I personally know a story about a boy from a very choshuv family that (without the parents knowledge) was friends with a boy from the neighborhood. Unfortunately this friend was not always so strict about Yoshon. By the time this choshuv boy was 16 he was OTD. It was Mamish heartbreaking seeing him wearing white Polo shirts on Sunday or in Shul Davening Mincha without a gartel. I can’t imagine how embarrassed his parents must be.

  7. The fact that while my kids may know what the latest fashion Shaitel is or the latest fashion coat is they still have no idea what Facebook Twitter or Instagram is. I’ll take Shaitel sand fashionable coat any day over Facebook, Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram

    • I come from a large Frum community outside of the NY area & the Chesed is unbelievable as well (I’d say on the same level as Lakewood).
      But what I really like about these organizations is how the different “Sects” work together. Almost every organization includes Jews from the Modern Orthodox, Yeshivish & Chasidish world. When reading the list of Rabbanim backing an organization & seeing Rabbanim from across (& from opposite sides of) the ENTIRE spectrum of Orthodox Jews it shows not only how much tsedaka & chesed Yidden are engaged in but on a whole other level how it’s done with tremendous Achdus.

    • Seems odd that someone who doesn’t follows the herd feels the need to tell everyone he doesn’t….also it seems from your comment that you a don’t exactly appreciate this town my question is why frequent the LAKEWOOD scoop ?

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