What Can You Do? Here’s an Easy Answer

Can I ask you a question? When was the last time you heard sad news? An hour ago? This morning? Yesterday? Last week? 

 Was it a WhatsApp message? A news article? A friend casually sharing some information? A family member or colleague seriously talking about a challenge in their life? 

 How many days pass without another difficult story reaching your ears and eyes? It’s hard to hear of all the pain, even harder to feel helpless. Because if you’re like most people, you wonder what you can do to help ease the plight of those around you. 

 Sure, you can feel their pain with a little krechtz, a sigh and some extra Tehilim.

 But if you’re not an askan, well-connected person or the head of a chesed organization, what can you actually do?

 With 383 Lakewood families turning to RCCS in the last year, you know that too many of your friends or neighbors are suffering with the burden of the dreaded disease. It doesn’t take too much imagination to realize what kind of worries and fears fill their minds. From the practical but vital insurance questions to the delicate weighing of treatment options, help is needed at every turn. Who can make medical referrals, connect patients with top specialists, explain important terms, stay on top of treatment plans all while guiding and encouraging the patient and their family?

Most people don’t have the ability to do any of that.

RCCS helps Lakewood cholim with all of that and more every single day. Every person who turns to RCCS receives the help they need. Every desperate feeling is replaced with one of hope as every locked door is seen by RCCS as an opportunity to say, We’re going to do more, try a new treatment or conduct more research.  We’re going to stand at your side, support you and do everything we can to help.

Our mission is to be there for every Lakewood patient, to encourage, reassure and take every possible step to bring their yeshua. When others say what can we do? We do.

But we can’t accomplish our goals without your help.

That’s why we turn to you and say: The key is in your hands.

If you’ve ever wondered what you can do to help others, the answer is simple. Open your heart to the suffering of others and donate to RCCS. Our medical referral program is the talk of top specialists around the world. Our grants are life-saving and our intricate knowledge and connections literally opens doors.

Every day we do more for Lakewood’s cholim and now we need you.

Behind closed doors, your neighbors are struggling. Use your strength to help them. It’s in your hands.

Please donate generously to our campaign https://www.dryveup.com/rccs 

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