West Gate To Hold Yom T’fillah In Light Of Recent Incidents

west gate tlsIn light of recent incidents which befell West Gate residents, a Yom T’fillah/ Yom Kippur Kotton will be held. The event will be taking place Thursday at the Kelm Woods Bais Medrash at 7:00 PM, and will feature speeches from R’ Yitzchok Sorotzkin Shlita and R’ Avrohom Helberg Shlita.

The speeches will begin at 7:00 PM, and the Yom Kippor Koton at 7:45 PM.

The usual Yom Kippor Koton at the Shul will take place as well, at 2:45 PM.

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  1. many sick children R”L & MANY other tragedies R”L

    TIME FOR ALL OF KLAL YISROEL TO DO TESHUVA so all tzaros can end & to prevent any other tzaros from happening C”V

  2. Sounds like there may be an ayin hara chas v’shalom hanging over the development. Perhaps it might be a good idea to consult one of the manhigei hador or a mekubal to find out how to deal with it.

  3. Why the whole Lakewood cannot make an effort to say Yom Kippur Kotton is beyond me? I can only say this from someone thats been saying it for 20+ years that one can only imagine what it can do for our tzibbur if we took the ‘trouble’ to say Yom Kippur Kotton tomorrow…. and mabe next month and the month after too. Gut Chodesh to all.

  4. To momma: sounds more like there are KA”H many people living in Westgate and therefore a higher number of issues. I would focus more on T’shuvah and keeping a better eye on our kids and less on the supernatural…. of course T’shuvah and parenting is much harder to do….

  5. I hope that the focus of the speeches will be ahavas yisroel. It is lacking in our community. BH torah is booming here, that should not be the topic.

  6. If everyone will have full control of their own deeds and not worry about controlling others. let everyone chose their own lifestylye, Their own way of Aliyah in Torah and Tfila and Tzedakka.

  7. No; there will only be an Ezras Anashim.
    Unless you mean to ask, “are women invited to anticipate” why wouldn’t there be an ezras nashim?
    We are not nevi’im and we aren’t in a postion to point out why this or that is happening.
    But we can all do better in so many areas – myself included.
    Let’s us all accept upon ourselves one middah to work on! It goes a long way…
    Hut bitachon yidden! Moshiach vet shoin kumen!

  8. Stop this has nothing to do with westgate being different chas vshalom. Westgate has more mishpachos than Elmewood Presidental sterling place sterling forest high street chatue park and forest park combined. It KH has triple the Amount of children than the whole 14th combined. Please realize the satistics before commenting. We all need to do teshuva.

  9. Time to be mechazek in not speaking loshon hora. There are individuals who were wrongly accused of wrong doings and chased out of the community. Those cries do not go unanswered!

  10. How can anyone ask “Why is Westgate getting all the Yissurim etc?”. What kind of a stupid question is that? Bli Ayin Horah Westgate probably has the largest concentration of people in a developement. Maybe the Ribbono Shel Olam is sending a message to all the people OUTSIDE of Westgate – not just the ones inside!!

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