[COMMUNICATED] Thanks to the generosity of friends and neighbors in the Lakewood area kehillah and beyond, $1.25 million of Tomchei Shabbos’s record $1.5 million Tishrei budget is now covered.
But the clock is ticking and the remaining $250,000 – the food costs of 250 families – needs to be covered in time for the desperately awaited Succos delivery.
Due to the historic economic crisis, Tomchei Shabbos needs to feed over 1,500 families in Lakewood, Jackson and Toms River this Tishrei – by far more than ever before. We’re down to the wire; all deliveries must go out shortly. [CLICK HERE TO HELP]
The deliveries cannot go out if the food cannot be paid for. These families are counting on YOUR help NOW so that their children have what to eat on Succos and Chol Hamoed!
Until the end of the campaign, your donation is automatically matched dollar for dollar by generous baalei tzedakah. For sake of our neighbors – your neighbors – this campaign needs to meet its goal, on time. These families need to have what to eat.
Please go out of your way to help Tomchei Shabbos reach its goal. In this zechus, may you and your family merit a Gmar Chasima Tova.
Please CLICK HERE or call 732-800-9400 to feed your neighbors and have your donation matched 2-1. Tizku L’mitzvos!