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welcome back to lakewoodWe would like to welcome back our readers to Lakewood! Send us your Pesach photos to [email protected] and we’ll add it to our Pesach Album!

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  1. Why does this town waste so much of our tax dollars on these type of billboards in town?? Do they do it for the non jewish holidays too?

  2. to #3 the owner of TLS is jewish. nothing offensive but the christians in Lakewood can open their own site. also the site serves it’s advertisers do the christians advertise here?

  3. oh man its after yom tov and back to hershel hershel hershel! you dont know exactly what it takes to be a council memeber or an askan. all you know how to do is create headlines. like 20 off for ems. anything you can think to make HEADLINES!!!!!.. GIVE 20 OFF TO YUNGERLEIT WHY TO PLOITICIANS. SUPPORT TORAH. REMEMBER TORAH AND DASS TORAH IS WHAT COUNTS!!!!!!! .SELL LOTS OF TOYS AND STOP BOTHERING EVERY POLITICIAN YOU WILL HAVE THE SAME ISSUES LIKE ALL OTHERS LIKE I HAVE MENTIONED IN THE PAST. TRY HELPING WITH HEADLINES NOT ARGUING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Dear anti Hershel. It is a very scary thought that there is someone either still up at 5:20 am that can’t sleep becausr they are so bothered by me. Or there is someone that wakes up so early, and I am the first thing that upsets them before they get a cup of coffee. And all those angry capital letters, all befor the sun even rises. I am sorry I cause you so much pain. I would like to meet you in person someday, just not in a dark alley.

  5. Kindly explain what your hangup is?
    I can call any blog what I want a write what I want
    This isnt funded by tax money

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