By Yossel Gittelis. Amazing. Last week, TLS reported that the more NJ taxes the rich, the more they leave the state, and the LESS taxes the state gets (because there are fewer “rich” people in the state.) Obviously, the state gets MORE tax revenue when they tax the rich at lower tax rates, because more rich people will sta and pay taxes.
But the democrats don’t care about the state. They care more about “taking from the rich”, or “let’s get ‘em”.
A bunch of jealous brats, these Democrats.
Thank you Christie for standing up to these Democrats and doing what’s right for the state.
Side point: We need to realize that when we, as a society, start this class warfare between the rich and the poor, sooner or later we will all be at the receiving end. Today the poor want the millionaires to give them more money. Tomorrow, they will want anyone making over $200,000 to give the poor their money (These people making 200k are sooooo greedy).
Then they will want anyone making over $50k to give moremoney to the poor (Those greedy people making $50k and not sharing.)
At some point, anyone who owns a house or a car will be expected to share it with a poor person, who nebach can’t afford a house. (Those greedy people who have those houses).
And so on and so forth.
The only reason America is so free and prosperous, is because “property rights” are part of the constitution. Nobody has any right to take away any property from anyone else. Once you start taking away others’ property through taxes, there is no end, and we will all suffer.
And stop being so jealous.
What’s christie doin to stop this. I voted for him and haven’t noticed any changes. Haven’t seen any job booms. Haven’t seen lower taxes. Haven’t seen much growth except here in lakewood ( but not thanks to him ) I can’t even think of one good thing that he’s done . I just think about him everytime I pay 12 bucks on the outerbridge urgh @!#$%.
Funny, I don’t hear the so-called rich defending the rest of us against tax hikes.
The people who make 50k already give a higher percentage of their income to “the poor”- how do you fix that? You make everyone pay a fair share. If not, “the poor” will include those who make 50k as the rich get richer.
The rich pay much higher percentages of their income in taxes, than the poor.
The rich pay rates of 35%. The poor pay rates of 0%.
The bottom 47% of Americans pay ZERO in federal income tax rates.
But, no, let’s take more and more from the rich to pay for free benfits for the poor.
One day, we will all be poor.
At least now, everyone has the ability to work hard and become rich. But if we continue to take away everything from the rich, like in Communist Russia, EVERYONE will be miserable.
Today, even the poor in American have a roof (Section 8), free healthcare (Medicaid), free food (Food Stamps), free utilities (LIHEAP), and enough money on top of that to buy a car, a plasma tv, an iphone, go to the movies, and most other regular every-day stuff, PAID FOR, OF COURSE, by the other 53% of America that works hard and pays federal income taxes.
If you take away the money from the “rich”, and make everyone equally poor (like in Communist Russia), who’s going to pay for all the free stuff and benefits? Then, none of us will have anything. We will all be miserable.
Just like in Communist Russia.
Reb Yossel,
Can you now write an article entitled “We, the people, who have been in golus far too long.”
From reading your article it sounds as if you are not expecting Moshiach tomorrow.
I think you’re right. Let the rich keep their money, and let the poor hit bottom. Then they’ll enter the workforce and do their part!
Yid- of course the rich pay more than the poor- i didn’t say that. i said they pay less proportionately than the rest of us in the middle class. Why should an average american bare more of the brunt than someone who hides their money in offshore bank accounts?
I know neither of us are going to move on this issue, that’s fine w/me, and I do understand your points. I’m not a fan of communism but I do not believe that the rest of us who are not at either extreme need to argue for the beneift of the rich. They certainly aren’t fighting for us. If the middle class has to carry this burden much further we will all be in the poor house.
THEY have made this argument about paying for the poor- which is how they’ve gotten us on their side. But that’s not it- it’s paying for essential government services too. Why am I paying more than the rich?
The rich act like they are the job creators and benefactors to humanity. They think we would rather be in the presence of rich people than have money in our pockets. It’s not true. They will hire based on need, they are not moving out of state. They just want the party to continue unhindered. Nobody minded while the money reached everyone. Now their party is hurting regular people. Now their manipulation of the tax code is hurting. Letting a Bush tax break expire is not the same as a tax hike. And if you own a corporation, before your $250,000 paycheck, most of your expenses were paid for as business expenses, unless you’re too cheap to hire an accountant. Why begrudge poor people? Why are you whining that you will be poor from these taxes?
“i said they pay less proportionately than the rest of us in the middle class.”
#6 – you are wrong. The rich and super rich and very super rich all already pay proportionately to their wealth. They do. Do the math.
But proportionately they have far more capital to continue to increase their wealth. Be jelous if you want- or learn musaar!
I overheard my son talking to a friend here in Lakewood, encouraging him to apply for a job at the company where my son works. His friend’s response floored me. He said that unless he can get a job paying more than $60 K, it was not worth his time. After factoring in HUD, Medicaid, unemployment, food stamps and various other programs, he is already “earning” $60 K by sitting on his……
we are witnessing with the current president and congress an agenda of socialism totally contrary to what this country was founded on . while there is a justification for helping those truely in need due to no fault of their own ,I find it appalling that this government hands out money like their is an endless supply to many who just have no motivation to be self sufficient and not leach of the rest of us
nice to see there are still people out there that still have a brain left. it seems everyone became so liberal & ‘open minded’ that their brains fell out somewhere along the way from that open mind.
socialism is bad. its just that simple.
my family came here from russia to avoid the slum russia became because of the slogan “steal from the rich to give to the poor”.
the latest message from HASHEM of todays situation with the economy is:
Make aliya now to Israel & go with fortune, Wait & soon thousands will be going cause there will be no money left & the economy is better in Israel DON’T WAIT, GO NOW.