“What a day and what a week”, So commented PG Waxman of Waxman Realty as the deadline arrives for the $8,000 credit for first-time home buyers and $6500 for non-first time buyers. “It has been a non-stop week with dozens of deals being put together last minute. We are not making early shabbos today!” stated Waxman. He continued: “I stopped into Imperial Realty on Thursday – they were most busy, and both Mordy Eichorn of Remax and Shlomo Willner of Century 21, expressed the same”. The $8,000 comes either as a direct credit off taxes owed on the federal tax return, or by a $8,000 check that comes in the mail.
Waxman Realty: What A Day And What A Week

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PG is a real mentsh and a ish hasholom. He isn’t shy of his competitors and is their real friend.
Do u just need to be under contract by April 30th, or also out of attorney review?
Reb Pg is friends with his competitors. what a kiddush hashem.
Comment deleted
They can always audit and ask to see lawyer’s correspondene as to when it started and ended attorney reveiw.
While I certainly know that you would never back date a contract, In order to answer your hypothetical question, I don’t think anyone in their right mind would do something like that.
It is fraud.
If you take a credit on your income tax and it done in a non kosher way it is fraud.
While I’m no accountant, I think it is poshut.
Do not do it.
Gut voch.
Glad to c the realtors trying to “make” a market. When this 8k credit passes the market will freefall. Lots of inventory out there. Mortgage rates are rising. Hang tight!
Whatever happened to not doing business on Friday after Chatzos?
Frankly, I find this post distasteful.
The closing is recorded but a contract is just a paper signed by 2 people its not recorded anywhere and you don’t even need a lawyer. So the real deadline is June 30th
I don’t believe the markets picking up because of 8g cmon they aint given nobody a mortgage and the whole world is broke.
I signed a contract Friday but it is currently under Attorney Review.
You failed to answer my “hypothetical” question!
No thank you DovDov and Realtor. Lakewood has enough people who really fit that bill that there is no need to apply those accolades to all and sundry.
Y u delete my coment? It was good question.
While I’m not an attorney nor an accountant I can give you an educated opinion. If your attorney disapproves of the contract in its current form like most attorneys will do, even if they agree to approve it with modified terms,at that point you do NOT have a contract and only once the attorneys agree to the modifies terms and have it executed by both parties only then do you have a contract. So for example if you signed a realtor’s contract on Fri and on Mon May 3rd your attorney sends a disapproval letter with a revised addendum which gets executed by both parties on Tues May 4th, you only have a contract as of May 4th and not be eligible for the tax credit. However if your attorney approves of the contract on Mon then he is approving the contract of April 30 and therefore you will be eligible for the tax credit.
I’ll save more than 8k by waiting till after june 30th when prices go down again.
This is not a lomdishe sugya you’re dealing with. Take your svoro’s elsewhere or someone might listen to your shtikle torah and they will be out 8k while you will be treading on lifnei iver lo siten michshol.
The law says quite clearly that the contract must be a “binding contract” by April 30. Therefore, the contract must be out of attorney review.
As long as the contract is in attorney review, any party can back out, rendering the contract non-binding as of yet.