WATCH: Thief burglarizes vehicles in Broad daylight in Lakewood; Steals family’s passports as they’re about to leave town

A family getting ready to leave the Country for Shabbos Chanukah had to nix their plans after a thief burglarized their vehicle in broad daylight, stealing a pocketbook and passports.

The suspect, a woman, can be seen going through vehicles in the Arlington Avenue area yesterday.

When confronted by a resident who spotted her in a vehicle, she claimed she made a mistake and was in the wrong car.

She then allegedly got a ride to a convenience store, where she used one of the stolen credit cards.

One of the victims tells TLS he was told by police they are familiar with the suspect.


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  1. To Lakewood Scoop-This woman took a purse from another car as well-Please edit the post main purpose it to write and bring awareness: She has not yet been apprehended-Anyone that saw her around town and has any info should contact police. She may have dumped the documents anywhere

  2. I just can’t understand why if the police know the suspect and the male who drove her from the scene of the crime, nothing can be done and get to the bottom of it. Why can’t they apprehend them?? It shouldn’t take a master detective to figure this out.

  3. You didn’t seriously just say that the police are familiar with the suspect??? My goodness what has this world come to?? The התגברות הרע in the world. How much longer can this go on?? We need mashiach fast!!

  4. Based on her body language she’s seems like a textbook drug addict trying to score a few dollars for some crack. Prove me wrong. She has no use for anything else in that purse besides some cash and credit cards. The documents are likely dumped in the area from where it was stolen, she didn’t want to get busted with stolen property and you cant charge her with possession of stolen property (a felony if valued over certain $$) if she dumps it before getting caught.Sorry to hear about your vacation being ruined.

  5. Lock your car. Never place valuables in the car unless you are in the car. They should be that last to be ut in the car. PS: Canada is not allowing visitors from the outside Canada

  6. Keep your Vehicle locked and stop trusting everything.. keep your house locked. Keep your stuff off your front lawn. Bike, etc. stop thinking Lakewood is safe. There plenty of robberies is happening here. Keep your bikes locked. Wake UP Lakewood…

    • No one leaves on a Friday morning for a fancy vacation, especially if sunset so early.
      I think you need to read a book called “The Other Side of the Story”.

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