Watch Tehillim Asifa Live At 1:00 PM (Live Stream Has Ended – Photos)

PHOTOS: This afternoon, tens of thousands of children assembled for a unique gathering that marked their participation in Misaskim’s 18th annual Tehillim Asifah. Misaskim representatives coordinate this poignant event during Aseres Yemei Teshuvah to infuse strength and hope into all those in urgent need of a yeshu.

The main location of the asifah was at the Bobov Shul in Boro Park where children from more than 35 local yeshivas were bused in. Thousands more joined via satellite hookup across the nation and across the globe. The sweet and innocent voices of children in London, Manchester, Israel, Toronto, Montreal, Panama, and Mexico City blended with the voices of children in the United States to cry out in unity; “Shlach Refuah Shleima L’Cholei Amecha!” The massive audience was led in prayer by many Rabbonim, representing nearly every Jewish community.

Misaskim representatives went to great lengths to coordinate this momentous asifah. Volunteers from the organization, who consider the tehillim asifah their own personal “spiritual crisis-prevention tool,” worked until late into the night to ensure that every detail was attended to properly.

Many of the participants attested to the purity and intensity that permeated the event. “I have no tears left,” commented one participant. “It should be a z’chus for all of Klal Yisroel.”


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  1. This is amazing can’t be beter then tinikos shel bais roban this goes up straight with no stops on the way it should be a zchus for all of us and the hole klal yisroal and mishiach should come real quick

  2. im trying to donate and when i click the ‘Donate Now’ button it sends me to a new page that says too many connections..
    can anyone help??

  3. Yes. did you listen to the asifa ??
    i have no tears left
    its these lttile yiddisha kinderlach that willl burst open the shari shamiyim Moshiach is here!
    how do i donate??

  4. Whats this asifa for? Under whos haskomah? We are not mevatel tinokos shel beis rabon even for binyan beis hamikdosh, (-shulcahn oruch),even if they bring moshiach we are not allowed to stop their torah learning.
    Very strange…

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