WATCH: President Trump Threatens To Veto Stimulus Bill

President Trump is threatening to veto the stimulus bill passed by Congress last night.

Watch his statement below.

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  1. 1000 percent!Mosy of the bill has nothing to do with average working people.900 billion should be enough to get some hospitals etc and so many other things we desperately need at this time.

  2. Trump is on the ball. Can anybody explain why the Palestinians are getting 250 million? Does that stimulate our economy? Lawmakers need to read a 6,000 page bill.

  3. It’s beyond belief that this man is so isolated and abused while he is really trying to protect the American people as our elected representatives only protect themselves. Democrat and Republican. They are so used to their power and corruption they have no idea what it means to be a decent, caring, honest human being anymore. I hope we don’t see a civil war. Trump is going to have to pull a Lincoln on this. Put in what’s right and rip out what’s wrong. I don’t know if the President has that power, but I hope he does. I believe a vast majority of citizens agree with him but there are those that can cause trouble. A few matches can start acres of fires. This may not be pretty to say the least.

  4. janet, its amazing how self centered you are, your saying the president should burn billions and billions of tax payers doors ,sending it to African country’s, because you want to end up with 600 bucks, very intelligent!

  5. There is really little the President can do to hold up this money. There are sufficient votes to override a presidential veto. Use your heads people, think, reason, don’t just believe headlines.

  6. He vetoed the defense bill in part because Congress would not stick in a repeal of immunity that social media companies have for content posted by others. Not only it has nothing to do with defense but once again, he put his own interests above those of the nation. Who vetoes defense bills?

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