WATCH: Pothole Killer in Action today in Lakewood

pothole killer lkwd 2-25-16VIDEO: The machine, seen in this video on Forest Avenue, will remain in Lakewood for about two months, filling the potholes on the township roads. (Video in fast motion.)


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  1. it’s a sad state of affairs when a township fixing it’s roads makes the news. We should be able to take pothole fixing for granted (just like garbage pickup)

  2. I don’t understand first of all why didn’t they get this truck earlier second of all there’s way to many potholes I think there’s a lot of work ahead

  3. @live18. I believe if you hit a pothole and damage was done to your car you could call the police and have them write a report. I think you will have to mail that to the county or state and I believe they will reimburse you. But that also means you have to stay near the pothole and not leave till the report is done

  4. I saw it twice today in different areas. It would be nice if we could have a team of these just patch through town quickly. Are any township crew members out doing some as well, or just this one doing the whole town?

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