UPDATE: Massive Fire At The Yeshiva Of Belle Harbor Dorm

[COMMUNICATED] ***Update From The Yeshiva Of Belle Harbor***

Major expenses have risen as we have moved all of our bochrim to our temporary dormitory.

We are scrambling to set up the dorms to allow for them to live comfortably while we rebuild.

A tremendous amount of expenses are coming up and we are in desperate need of the Klal’s support

A fire ripped through the dormitory of Yeshiva Mercaz HaTorah of Belle Harbor on Friday morning, causing serious damage.

The FDNY tells YWN that the fire started at around 10:00 AM in the top floor of the three-story dormitory located at 512 Beach 130th Street near Beach Channel Drive.

Bichasdei Hashem, all occupants of the dormitory were not injured. Unfortunately, a firefighter sustained injuries and was being treated by Paramedics on the scene.

The high winds and frigid temperatures caused issues for firefighters battling the blaze, and a second alarm was requested for additional manpower to extinguish the fire.

The cause of the fire was unknown.

There was tremendous loss in the inferno. Bochrim of the Yeshiva have lost everything and are now without their even most basic possessions. While physically unscathed, they remain in a state of panic without the comfort and security of their dorms to thrive and grow in Yeshiva.

All proceeds will go to helping the Yeshiva recover from this emergency.


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