WATCH LIVE: Levaya of 3 Murdered Teens, Eyal, Gilad & Naftlai

IMG-20140701-WA042At 17:30 (10:30 a.m. EST) the three Israeli teenagers abducted and murdered – Eyal Yifrah, 19, from Elad; Naftali Frenkel, 16, from Nof Ayalon; and Gilad Sha’ar, 16, from Talmon – will be laid to rest side-by-side at Modi’in cemetery.

10410931_10152500132876265_6567925135995731412_nWatch the Levaya live in a live feed here (Arutz 7) and here (Ynet). An audio feed I also available by calling (712) 432-4212.

Photos: TLS/NewsBreakers


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  1. I am watching the funeral. Streams and streams of Jews are arriving. Outwardly they all look different – women wearing jeans, women with tichels, men with white shirts and black hats, men in colored shirts, kippah serugah, black velvet, etc. But inwardly they all share the same neshama that Hashem breathed into them. When we go outside today and we see our fellow Jews dressed differently than us, let us try to focus on the part that is the same as us. And by doing so, we will feel connected to them and ahavas chinam will result.

  2. Three quotes below that broke my heart and caused me to sob (in my NYC corporate office). These mothers are very very special people. Nashim tzidkaneous.

    Rest in peace, my son,” Rachelle Fraenkel said, standing in front of her son’s flag-draped body. “We’ll learn to sing without you. We’ll always hear your voice inside. From the very first day, we said to ourselves that even if it ends badly, God gave us an abundance of blessings, wonderful young men, children with noble souls, a large and empowering community.”

    Bat-Galim Shaar, mother of Gil-ad, was visibly emotional as she described her son as “a brave, resourceful, proud Jewish boy.” She said he had always been mature, taking on responsibility at school, in his youth group and among his friends. But “now we must give back the deposit, Gil-ad,” to hashem she said

    Uri Yifrach’s father said that Yifrcah’s mother said to her son: you are right next to God now. She said you should whisper in God’s ear and ask him to give her strength, to give us all strength. It will be difficult for us without you. We need strength … you gave strength to so many people, now give us strength as well.”

    Special special people. No room in the heart to hate right now. It’s just broken.

  3. The achdus of klal yisroel…. Truly one nation….
    One heart…..
    One Family….
    Ones sorrow is all our sorrow…

    But let’s not let time allow us to forget the achdus this caused.

    Let’s not forget these kedoshim, OUR korbanos.

    Their families will never forget them. We are their family.

    We will never forget #eyalgiladnaftoli!!!

    The Yifrach, Shaer and, Frenkel families are our families.

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