WATCH LIVE: Gov. Christie to Hold Press Conference at 3 PM – Nominates Judge David Bauman to State Supreme Court [UPDATED]

bauman christieGovernor Chris Christie today announced his selection of Judge David F. Bauman of the Superior Court of New Jersey, Monmouth County, an exceptionally qualified, accomplished individual, for nomination to the positions of Associate Justice of the New Jersey Supreme Court. This nomination continues Governor Christie’s commitment to using his appointment authority to expand the diversity of the New Jersey Supreme Court in important ways. The Governor’s nomination of Justice Anne Patterson and her subsequent confirmation created the first female majority court in the history of the New Jersey Supreme Court. If confirmed, Judge Bauman will be the first Asian-American to serve on New Jersey’s highest Court. In addition, the selection of Judge Bauman will maintain partisan balance on the court with this unquestionably well-qualified nominee.

“There’s no question that David is an accomplished public servant whose wide-ranging judicial experience would make him an outstanding justice,” said Governor Christie. “His nomination also shows my continued commitment to expanding diversity on the State Supreme Court bench. Judge Bauman received unanimous approval from the New Jersey Senate as recently as May 2015, so I look forward to a fair and speedy confirmation hearing.”

Judge David Bauman, 59, currently serves as a Judge assigned to the Criminal Division in Monmouth County. Governor Christie previously nominated Judge Bauman to the State Supreme Court in 2012, but Senate inaction forced his nomination to be withdrawn. Governor Christie instead nominated Judge Bauman for a tenured judgeship on the Superior Court.

Bauman’s nomination also preserves the tradition of partisan balance on the Supreme Court as it has been known since New Jersey’s adoption of the 1947 Constitution, with a Governor entitled to appoint a court with a make-up of no more than four members of his own party. Once confirmed, the Court will sit four Republicans, two Democrats, and one Independent.

After 17 years in private practice, Judge Bauman was nominated in 2008 for the post by Governor Corzine. He was unanimously approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee and confirmed by the full Senate 37-0. A veteran, Judge Bauman served 4 years on Active Duty with the United States Marine Corps, and an additional 12 years as a Reservist. On Active Duty, Judge Bauman served as Defense Counsel, Prosecutor and Special Counsel with the Naval Investigative Service, trying over 30 jury and bench trials at special and general courts martial.

Prior to his appointment to the Superior Court, Judge Bauman worked in private sector law with the firm Bressler, Amery & Ross, including as a partner for 10 years, where he specialized in complex civil and commercial litigation as well as criminal law. In that capacity, Judge Bauman appeared before the U.S District Court of New Jersey, New York and New Jersey State Courts and various administrative agencies. In addition, Judge Bauman was an active member of a variety of organizations in the law and victim advocacy communities, including: the New Jersey Supreme Court Civil Practice Committee; the Asian-Pacific American Lawyers Association of New Jersey; the New Jersey Battered Women’s Legal Advocacy Project; and as a member of the NJ State Bar Association’s Franchise Law Committee and Special Committee on Military Law and Veterans Affairs.

Judge Bauman is a Magna cum laude graduate of Columbia University and received his law degree from Boston College.

Judge Bauman’s nomination is subject to Senate confirmation.


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