WATCH LIVE at 8PM: Siyum on Maseches Shavuos; Commemorating the 50th Yahrtzeit of Harav Eliezer Silver Zatzal

Agudah’s Daf Yomi Commission presents a Siyum on the completion of Masechta Shevuos by the world-wide Daf Yomi.

Hosted by Congregation Zichron Eliezer, Cincinnati, OH, it will be an evening of Zikaron commemorating the 50th yartzeit of Harav Eliezer Silver, zt”l.

The program will feature a keynote drasha by Harav Yissochor Frand, Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshivas Ner Yisroel, and an overview of Rabbi Silver’s impact on the Agudah and worldwide Jewry.

The program is also available by phone at 212.444.1323 option 9.

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