Watch Live at 7:35 PM: President Obama Hosts Chanukah Party

obama chanukah tlsWATCH LIVE: Representatives from the Jewish community around the U.S. – including Lakewood – will be attending the by-invitation Chanukah party.

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  1. Why should anyone care about Obama lighting? The man is an Anti Semite with no emotional or moral regard for anything and stands for everything that goes against our Religion!

  2. This guy obama is on the wrong side of everything. Screw israel as much as possible and than make a hannukah party to say how much he loves the jews.
    Vote Republican

  3. To #1&2
    Where do you get the notion that Obama is an Anti-Semite?
    He is simply a liberal who has naive peace loving policies. I don’t see any evdience of anti semitism. In fact if he hated jews, he wouldn’t have hired Jack Lew or Rahm Emanuel. Please don’t mix up liberal policies with anti-semitism.

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