WATCH LIVE 12:30 PM: Congress Tallies Electoral College Results, Republicans To Object

A joint session of Congress will convene to officially certify the results of the November 3rd presidential election. Republicans will challenge the electors from at least six states in which President Trump alleges there was widespread fraud. A successful objection will lead to several hours of debate in the two Congressional chambers, and a vote to uphold or strike down the objections will follow. President Trump and other Republicans have also pressured Vice President Mike Pence, who will preside over the event, to refuse acknowledgement of the results from certain states, but it does not appear that he will go along with that plan.

The attempt to block the certification of the results is likely President Trump’s last viable chance to overturn the results of the presidential election, but the move is nearly guaranteed to fail.

Watch live below.

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  1.     |  “President Trump and other Republicans
       | have also pressured Vice President Mike
        | Pence, who will preside over the event, to
        | refuse acknowledgement of the results from
        | certain states, but it does not appear that he
       | will go along with that plan.”
    To be clear, Pence does not legal authority to alter the outcome for the certification of the states.

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