Watch Live 10:00 PM: Let’s Get Real: Parenting The Emotionally Sensitive and Impulsive Child | Matis Miller, LCSW

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  1. I always tried to give my kids healthy food. Quality vitamins and nutritious drinks. True I have allowed them the occasional chazerie when visiting friends and relatives but I never put anything in Shaloch Manos that I wouldn’t”t give my kids. I am always astounded at the aisles and aisles of nosherie that take up huge amounts of floor space in some of our Heimishe grocery stores. Most of the time I don’t take them shopping at all and Baruch Hashem, when they do go with me they don’t go wild there and are not jealous of all the honking and shtonking of all the other kids who are either jumping for joy or brought to tears. I truly believe that all the stuff in 99% of those items will cause behavioral problems down the road. They have learned what is good and they see I won’t even have a taste when they are expecting a new baby brother or sister. I really believe this attitude and practice has made a huge difference in the way my kids behave. They also have learned not to be jealous of other kids and don’t understand why they get so out of control when they don’t get what they want. Maybe I’m just lucky and blessed but I really believe that all that stuff piled to the rafters in those aisles is just not good for kids. I’m not telling you what to do. I know it is hard to maintain but I don’t think it’s a coincidence. There are many healthy treats to give them. They might be more expensive but I believe there is a real return on the investment. Please, I’m not telling any one what to do. Every one is absolutely free to make their own choices.

  2. This is unfair to the deaf community and there isn’t closed captions at all I will recommend all Deaf people complain about ADA Right. Unfair I have been asking again and again yet they failed to listen.

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