WATCH: Hit & Run Accident on New Hampshire Avenue Caught on Video

hit runCAUGHT ON VIDEO: A hit and run accident on New Hampshire Avenue yesterday was caught on camera.

The accident occurred on New Hampshire Avenue and Chestnut Street on Sunday.

Surveillance video captured by a nearby school shows the speeding suspect vehicle ramming his vehicle into another waiting to turn onto New Hampshire Avenue.

Seconds later, EMS rolls up to the scene to check on the involved parties, at which time the suspect can be seen sneaking away from the scene and then running off.

Nobody was seriously injured in the crash.

Police say the incident is under investigation, but could not confirm if the suspect driver was still wanted.


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  1. This video is a real blessing for the victim. Otherwise the story could have been convoluted to say the victim driver with the stop sign was the guilty one. There should be more surveillance cameras to protect the innocent. By the way, leaving the scene of an accident is a crime in New Jersey and many other places as well.

  2. Seems like a small part of the story. The negligent driver can easily be traced by his car. He obviously isn’t trying to escape. Perhaps he is running back home to call someone. The headline strikes me as very misleading.

  3. To Huh?: You are wrong. He was driving away from another accident hit and run that he had just caused not far away. He clearly was trying to escape the scene of the accident.

  4. the minivan driver didn’t properly stop on chestnut and went into the road in order to turn and yes the other car did speed but i think that the minivan was in middle of the rd of new hampshire like so many more lakewood drivers do stop 10 feet into the rd not where you need to stop

  5. You can’t trace the driver if he is unlicensed and undocumented and the car is not registered or insured.
    Shocking, I know, but there are people who do that.

  6. To no. 6: You have got to be kidding. Stop trying to defend the wrong party. The driver was clearly NOT in the intersection and as you can see came to a full stop.

  7. looks like the driver was trying to avoid the previous left turner from Chestnut. That is a bad intersection and the left turn is always an adventure – for all parties. Accident, unless the guy was DUI.

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