WATCH – VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED: Former Lakewood Resident Master Illusionist Shimi Illuzini Becomes ‘Clinically Dead’ Live on Show

shimiVIDEO: World renowned illusionist Shimi Illuzini, who moved from Lakewood several years ago, caused hysteria during a live radio show, at which he made himself clinically dead.

Illuzini was flanked by two EMTs at the show, in case something went wrong – which nearly did.

The show was done for Adar.


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  1. Wow! I am blown by how people can do something so dangerous. Is this guy unfamiliar with מנקים לו מזכיותיו. How can a stunt like this be enjoyed by bnei Torah at large. Utterly shocked. The amount of bitul zman that is blatant in this production is hopefully a ונהפוך thing

  2. #5- I understand your outrage at someone who could have such a disregard for life because by any measure this was dangerous and most people including myself are of the same opinion. Just I don’t think it’s fair to be critical of TLS for posting it. This posted video is in of itself a story for TLS to gauge people’s reaction and to hear people’s viewpoint which is in part of what this website is all about. I don’t believe that by the fact that TLS is posting this video implies that they condone this kind of foolishness but rather to get the reaction from the oilam, so please.

  3. And if you believe this is real i have a bridge to sell you. he makes a living on fooling people oh and the machines? yes they were in on it

  4. To all you that think its dangerous, Its not. Its a pure act. He put something in his armpit and therefore stopping his radial pulse which makes the machine beep. I except better from Shimmy!!!

  5. Just watched. Please remove this post. The video is very graphic.
    If TLS viewers would like to see dead people, just go on YouTube, and you can see hundreds of videos.

    I’m an EMT. That video is way too much for the average person.

  6. I don’t understand why this hasn’t been removed. It is in terrible taste and does not reflect our values. This is a very poor editorial choice.

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