[COMMUNICATED] ● The yungeleit complete entire Masechtos with regular Chazaros and Bechinos to foster accountability and retention.
● Moving thirty families to quarantine on camp grounds in upstate New York so as not to miss a day of the Zman, even during COVID-19…https://vimeo.com/461015440
● Replacing lunch on a Taanis with a Mussar Vaad, then learning straight through until maariv Motzei-taanis…
These statements sound like anecdotes from a biography of earlier generations. However these stories are all in day’s work for Kollel Cheshek Shlomo.
A rising star on Lakewood’s horizon, Kollel Cheshek Shlomo is led by Rabbi Avrohom Yeshaya Appel and Rabbi Asher Steinmetz. The Kollel comprises 50 handpicked yungeleit, who each pass an oral bechinah on 250 Blatt before joining (more than one applicant has arrived to his farher and told the Roshei Kollel, “You choose the 250 blatt”). The yungeleit complete entire Masechtos with regular Chazaros and Bechinos to foster accountability and retention. The intensity of their Hasmada manifests as an electric atmosphere in the beis medrash and enables tremendous accomplishments in both depth and breadth of learning.
In order to support the yungeleit in their intense quest for gadlus, the kollel fine-tunes every detail in order to provide an environment where the future gedolim of klal yisroel can grow to their maximum potential.
This includes generous stipends, a carefully designed daily schedule, fresh daily meals, a dorm to rest during bein hasedarim. In other words, whatever the need is, Kollel Cheshek Shlomo anticipates it and supplies it.
Weeks ago, the doors of the Kollel-subsidized daycare center opened, allowing yungeleit to drop off their children just a few hundred feet from the site of the under-construction beis medrash. This enabled the yungeleit to arrive to seder calmly with time to spare.
Once construction is complete, the income from the CHS daycare center is projected to fully cover the capital costs of the Kollel complex, as well as providing free childcare to the families of the yungeleit.
Over the next two days, every dollar donated to complete this project will be matched.
Kollel Cheshek Shlomo treats its yungeleit like family. Donate( https://www.rayze.it/raisethebar/zreisman) today to help build a home where the yungeleit can enjoy the Harchavas Hadaas necessary to grow in their Avodas HaKodesh.
Written by Zevi Reisman