WATCH: Don’t Feel Bad, the Train in Lakewood Got Stuck in the Snow Too

trainVIDEO: The train passing through Lakewood last night had quite a ride when it got stuck in snow piles. Watch as it plows through. (TLS-12)

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  1. Looks like they sent that loco to clear the tracks. Ashame to see the gawkers putting themselves in harms way by standing so close to the tracks.

    Also have to wonder why that snow was all piled up on the tracks

  2. Can I know why they don’t pass an ordinance that the train can’t pass thru twn so late @ night ???. I know that it needs to honk by law when it passes through a twn but is that a reason it should do so, so late? Where are our elected officials?? Would I be allowed to honk my horn like that so late at night & wake up half the town??? Please do something. ..

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