Was NJSP presence in Lakewood yesterday a targeted enforcement? [AUDIO]

Yesterday, dozens of motorists were stopped by NJSP in Lakewood.

The Troopers were seen stopping vehicles primarily in the Downtown and Yeshiva areas, leading many to believe it was a targeted enforcement.

However, according to an audio recording in October in which State Police Superintendent Patrick Callahan stated advance notice is given with regards to targeted enforcement, it can be assumed this is standard enforcement by the State Police, and not any special type of operation.

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  1. The question that everyone wants answered is, was there advance notice given? If so, to who?

    We need to hear from our elected officials about this. Not just that they will ask the State Police, but we need answers.

  2. “…because we don’t want people to drive under the influence.”
    Has any single Lakewood [legal] resident been found DUI? It has never been an issue, even on Purim.

  3. If it is not targeted at Jews let them show up on Saturday morning and patrol. And what about all the pedestrian fatalities on Rt 88? They won’t patrol there either. Only by yeshiva where they know they will fill their quota instead of fining a bunch of illegals who won’t have IDs, show up to court, or pay.

  4. What’s the big deal? I also live in Lakewood and never have a problem with the state police, obey the law and that’s it. But when you have ppl on cellphones driving like maniacs, speeding all the time,cars upside down every week, drivers passing schools busses dropping off kids and pedestrians getting hit then of course the troopers are going to be here more often. If having the troopers here is going to make ppl driving habits better then i hope they show up every day.

  5. If you drive safely, this won’t make a difference to you. If you don’t, you deserve to get pulled over. Fact is, Lakewood’s insane driving makes it the place to go if an NJ trooper wants to give out tickets. Don’t cut off school buses, don’t speed, don’t tap or tap on your phone or do all sorts of other things that you know you shouldn’t be doing while driving, and you know you won’t get a ticket!

  6. I got a ticket yesterday for not wearing a seat belt. How he was able to determine that as I was driving the other direction than the trooper is beyond me – not that he was wrong….

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