Voter Turnout ‘Light’ In Morning Hours In Lakewood

[PHOTO of Senator Singer voting this morning] Voting staff tell TLS voter turnout this morning has been ‘light’. Similarly, in the Primary Elections, some polling stations only saw several dozen voters by 1:00 PM, after being open for 7 hours. The Primaries however, were held Erev Shavuos.

Polls close at 8:00 PM.

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  1. The average Lakewood citizen cannot tell you who is running let alone what they stand for. People like to complain but when there is a real chance to make some lasting changes, everyone cops out.

    If you are reading this and have not voted,go now and do your duty!

  2. its important to vote and many Rabbanim have always held that we should vote. For those learning they could go Bain Hazemanim or they could have gone early this morning as the polling places opened at 6am. If we don’t vote then we only have ourselves to blame when politicians don’t care about the opinions of their Jewish constituents.

  3. I went to vote after 7:30 and there wasnt a long wait but definitely a line waiting to vote and my nuumber was past 2000 im not sure how many there are in my district and what the other half of the slphabet was up to but thats way better then 34

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