Engagement Of Son Of Harav Simcha Bunim Cohen Shlita To Granddaughter Of Reb Meir Herskowitz Shlita

PHOTOS of last night Vort of the son of Harav Simcha Bunim Cohen Shlita, to the daughter of Mrs. Chaya Jacobs, and granddaughter of Harav Meir Herskowitz Shlta, Rosh Hayeshivah of Stamford Yeshiva. The Kallah’s father, Rav Aharon Jacobs Zatzal, was a Magid Shiur at the Stamford Yeshivah until his passing a few years ago. The Vort took place at Harav Cohen’s Shul, Ateres Yeshaya and was attended by many Gedolim and the BMG Roshei Hayeshivah Shlita. Photos by Crystal Photography.

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  1. I would assume Harav Cohen Shlita would not be too happy about these pictures on the internet after the Drasha he gave over Yom Tov about the dangers of the net.

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