Video shown at last night’s Yeshivah Tiferes Torah Melave Malka.
VIDEO: YTT Dinner Presentation

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what a beautiful building for such a wonderful mosad
We need another 5 of these mosdos in our town. A place that every neshama is the most important thing. It’s not about a yeshiva but about the boys! Rabbi gelbwacs put these priorities into the Rabaim. Amazing!
As a former parent of YTT and a huge huge fan of Rabbi Gelbwachs an the yeshiva everyone has to realize what a amazing unbelievable GESHMAK yeshiva YTT is!!! There’s no yeshiva ANYWHERE that could compare!!!!
Passing the yeshiva every once in a while I would see rabbi Gelbwachs greeting the kids as they came off the bus, the smile and warmth radiating on his face was so special, I’ve never seen any other menahel like this.
I have no doubt the Simcha will stay with these kids to be passed on to many generations.
There is no other school in Lakewood that has the wormth as YTT has! Yes the facility helps but its the way Rabbi G operates that makes the school.