[VIDEO BELOW] Watch a yeshiva guy’s over the top reaction as he hurries around Lakewood – and performs stunts along the way – to catch the Oorah deadline.
Make sure YOU react to the deadline too and enter the Oorah Auction today! If you enter before January 31, you’ll be entered into the earlybird bonus $5000 raffle.
[Oorah is an advertiser on TLS]
Vey Goyish. Chas V’Shalom kids shouldnt practice this for fun. Once its in the mind…. Also Kiruv begins at home. Dont promote Social media-smartphones for Bochurim.
Not amusing at all ! Running in between cars? Riding on the outside of a truck? Jumping over cars. Hes very talented but keep it in the gym not in the steeets.
This video really promotes unsafe behavior in a town that has more than it’s fair share of pedestrian vs automobile events. Oh and his little bits of parkour isn’t very impressive.
Very NOT impressive. Almost getting himself killed just to advertise for oorah. Look at all those short stopping cars having to quickly break. Absolutely not acceptable video
Wow everyone is so quick to criticize… Its a bit embarrassing what goes on here and many other frum sites everyone just loves criticizing…grow up yeah its a little unsafe… was really not dangerous a car honked but please it wasn’t a short stop and the jumping over a car the car that was planned…so let live for goodness sake
Wow! he’s Good!!.
For those worried about danger, It’s a stunt video! no one was really driving!
Every car in that video was 100% planned nothing was dangerous
seen to many videos when the jump over car stunt has gone terribly wrong. not good
Oy vei mamash a sakana!! It’s called a stunt people, calm down. I guess it just goes to show how good Oorah’s video people (and the actors) are.
Who is that kid, and how is he so good. I would never be able to do that!
shouldnt be promoting smartphones which all rabbonim assered especially if your title is “yeshiva bachur”….
Reminds me of Back To The Future
The concern isn’t about the stuntman and the obviously edited video. The problem is with impressionable kids trying to mimic some of those moves.
TLS -truth in advertising please. I should not have to click on the article and read to the end to find that it’s an ad.