VIDEO: Wondering where the Plows are?

plow stuckVIDEO: Many of the plows – including Township Big Macs – have becomes stuck in the heavy snow.

Some developments with just two blocks took over two hours to plow due to the plows continuously getting stuck.


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  1. Well the plows can get stuck too. We had an unusual amount of snow this time. We can hope it’s our last this season but that’s not realistic.

  2. There has been a plow on Barrymor dr in raintree for an hour and a half, got by for house, I am the way around the block I think it’ll be 6 am before he gets my way. He’s working with a broken plow… Disgraceful, the whole disaster! 🙁

  3. I guess you people never saw what a real snow plot looks like.,come to Toronto, they would never get stuck in such snow. BH we barely get any snow here.

  4. Westgate is a disaster!!!! They are so disorganized. They have been plowing the same streets over and over yet our parking where 40 families are plowed in they refuse to touch! At this point it will probable take hours because it’s been played on and frozen. I don’t understand why most of the parking lots have been plowed numerous times since Friday night and ours has not been touched once. Westgate is so hypocritical, they are so thorough when the tenants need to sign a contract to live here, we basically sign our life away. yet when it comes to taking care of us they are nowhere to be found.

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