VIDEO: Two Hospitalized after Crash Sends 2 Vehicles into the Woods; One Extricated

VIDEO: Two people were hospitalized after a serious MVA on Central Avenue late Monday night, which required one of the parties to be extricated from the vehicle, officials say.

The crash occurred at about 11:40 p.m. at the intersection of Central Avenue and New Central Avenue, with both the vehicles involved coming to rest in the woods and trapping one of the drivers.

Dozens of emergency personnel from Hatzolah, Lakewood First Aid, EMS and LFD responded to the scene, and cut the driver’s door off the vehicle to remove the injured driver.

Hatzolah transported the extricated patient to Jersey Shore Medical Center, while Lakewood First Aid transported another patient to KMC.

Injuries do not appear to be life-threatening, officials said.


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  1. The speed limit needs to be reduced. Central ave is no longer a highway joining Lakewood and Jackson, it is a heavily populated residential neighborhood with hundreds of pedestrians and children and many vehicles turning into uncontrolled intersections. 40MPH (-which translates to 50mph) is insane!

  2. #1 statistics have proven that LOWER speed limits lead to increased accidents and fatalaties where as HIGHER speed limits lead to fewer accidents. Just look at some european countries for example Germany which have higher speed limits accidents are MUCH LOWER than in the USA

  3. #2 you always have to watch out for pedestrians & be alert whenever driving,where ever driving & yes even @ 11:40pm,if you don’t understand this concept then you shouldn’t be allowed to drive

  4. #4 pedestrians should be wearing the reflector belts our town graciously gave out for free so at 1140pm, drivers dont need to worry about pedestrians walking in the roadways. if you don’t understand this concept then you shouldn’t be allowed to walk around at night.

  5. Your refering to speed limits in highways, Central ave is a residential neighborhood. No One thinks that high speed limits are safer in a built up town, thats just silly.

  6. I think everyone should get off their soap box blaming everything from speed limits to careless to cell phones. For crying out loud we don’t even know how the accident happened!

  7. Maybe pedestrians should walk on the sidewalks instead of the road. You should only be on the road when you are ready to cross the street. I can not understand why people have to walk in the roadway, see it all the time in my development.

  8. So I guess all of Lakewood should be 25 mph, since every part of it is populated. See how fast you will get around then…. Then again does anyone abide by the speed limit, NOT!

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