VIDEO: Trump today responded to Mitt Romney’s scathing attack.
VIDEO: Trump Responds to Romney Attacks: Mitt Begged for my Endorsement

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I’m not trumps biggest fan- but Romey was out of line today. If he really wanted to make a difference., there are far better ways to go about.
Today we witnessed politics at its worst moment.
@Not a fan
I strongly beg to differ.
Had Mr. Romey spoken like this four years ago he would have been President.
It’s not “politics at its worse moment” but rather it was a political speech that was Emes from begging to end.
A rarity.
That’s why Trumps supporters can’t deal with Mitt Romney They like Trumps bombastic hot air. And Mitt put a pin and let out the air of Trumps big bubble.
Everything in that 17 minute speech was 100 on target and correct.
To your point about MR speaking like this 4 years ago, he didn’t do it then so he lost. And I voted for him.
Like McCain in 2008, and I voted for him too.
Clearly this type of GOP business as usual does not work at the national level.
That is why the bombast and the in your face politics of Trump is appealing to many. I believe that he can win against Hillary, who must be defeated.
If Mitt had won we would not be having this discussion, he would be on his way to re-election and the country/world would be in a better place today.
Instead we have to work hard to make sure that Hillary is not elected, if she does blame Mitt>again.