VIDEO: The Rich Roberts Chol Hamoed Carnival Gets Underway


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  1. I just got back from the Roberts carnival! Went with my whole family of all ages! What an unreal event! Everything was so organized and went really smoothly! Thank you Dr Roberts for making this happen and thank you to all the coordinators, you know who you are!!

  2. Thank you Dr. Robert’s for another wonder Chol Hamoed experience! Your efforts go a long way, more then you can imagine. This relieves such a stress and financial hardship for many. Much appreciated!!

  3. Will there ever be a carnival for those that are Makpid to have separate times for men and women? My children were disappointed we couldn’t go.

  4. Thank you Dr. Roberts once again!!! I brought along my kids from ages 4-12, and every single one had an amazing time! The shows were fabulous, the prize and nosh were so so appreciate, and the event is super organized as usual. You should have a huge zechus in helping klal yisroel and Hashem should repay you with only good!

  5. We spent time here with the extended family and really enjoyed! Shows were great, lines were quick. This event is super organized! Thank you so much Doctor Roberts for the awesome carnival.

  6. Wow! Wow! Wow! Every single show and attraction was incredible! My children (ages 0-10) loved it! I was blown away by the level of thought that was certainly put in to the efficient way it was ran.

    Thank you Dr. Roberts and family! May HKBH always bentch you with hazlacha and bracha!

  7. As parents with kids of many ages know, it’s super challenging to entertain multiple genders and age groups in the same locale. Dr. Roberts, you accomplished the impossible! We all enjoyed tremendously! Even my 14 year old son admitted he had been wrong in not wanting to come and said that this was a great event. It was all so interesting, organized, and the nosh and prize were appreciated. Thank you for all you do for our community!!

  8. Rich Roberts rocks. Thanks so much! Ever, you can’t impose your chumros on others. I hope your kids appreciate your level of holiness and don’t ch’v grow up to resent it.

  9. @Ever The answer is probably never. Sad but that’s probably the truth. I also grew up frum and not frum in dress only and I also can not get myself to go to such an event, Family Fun for men women boys and girls all together having fun. And no I am not resentful about it. I am happy and content living a Torah life. The outside world tries to lure up away promising glitter and fun. But No pleasure of this world compares. Thank You Hashem for giving us a life of Torah!

  10. @Avraham the question was if there will ever be a carnival which separate times (imagine if a boys school goes to a carnival together with a girl school). Is that a question for every local orthodox rabbi or for the people in the know about scheduling such events?
    Although I understand that may be some rabbis that are involved and may also know if there will be such a thing.

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