VIDEO: The Life and Legacy of Rav Mordechai Gifter ZT”L – in Honor of His Yahrtzeit | Growth Through Our Gedolim

Tonight/Tomorrow 23 Teves marks the yahrzeit of Rav Mordechai Gifter zt”l.

Get inspired with this Growth Through Our Gedolim video about his incredible life and legacy.

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  1. A very inspiring video. Thank you.
    As a fan of Baltimore Jewish history I’d like to dispel a few mistakes that are often made concerning Rav Gifters life.
    1. His family moved to Baltimore when R’ Gifter was 2 years old so he grew up in & considered Baltimore his “Hometown”
    2. I’ve seen elsewhere that there was no Day school in Baltimore for R, Gifter to attend. That is not true. The Frum boys school (3rd oldest in America, 1st outside NY), “Talmudical Academy” opened in 1917 with 4 boys. Today B”H it has well over a thousand boys with graduates including R’ Shlomo Miller, R’ Yisroel Neuman, & Rav Aharon Feldman (& others).
    3. There are often claims Rav Gifter attended TA. Rav Gifter did not attend “TA” due to politics. The day school & the afternoon Talmud Torahs were in a way in competition with each other. R’ Gifter’s uncle ran a Talmud Torah & it wouldn’t look proper for R’ Gifter to not attend there. Rav Gifter attended public school instead.

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