VIDEO: As her children head off to Summer camp, this mother takes the opportunity to speak to her children about Summer camp safety. The boys are educated about basic safety as well as aboutpersonal body safety and the ‘No-Run-Tell’ rule.
Video by Aleinu/Aish.
Kol Hakavod! ALL SCHOOLS should show this to ALL KIDS.
wow!! this is amazing. every school should make parents sign a paper that they had this conversation with thier child (b4 the internet)
actually its primarily the parents responsibility cuz the child will feel more comfortable to approach the parent. school can do stuff too but it must begin with parents and it also beginns way b4 the child goes to school.
A child should be instructed to call 911 Why was this not mentioned?
A very nice video
It’s a shame. I had so much fun in camp as a young boy, but I will never in a million years feel comfortable sending my son to a sleep away camp.
Great job!
Chanoch L’Nar Al Pi Darcho.
This is shallow. Scripted.
Individual Parent/child chemstry is the only way to properly communicate life thretening scenarios.
What is important to this parent is obvious in her varying tones.
When you have a better idea then you could share it with us instead of knocking a highly educational video.
this entertains you??? yowch
This is the lesson we adults should learn from this video: Talking about very private and personal behavior for a public video is an oximoron. No parents should EVER bribe young children to perform in a virtual reality show like this mother did for icecream. The intrinsic message these children have learned is that all is OK for icecream. How Very Stupid!!
What’s better for a child, to receive icecream for doing a video that will help them and your child or would you rather have your child get ice cream from a rebbe or counselor who wants to hurt your child.
The point of the video is to promote awareness of this problem. No one is suggesting that you have to follow an exact script. Thank you for posting.
Even when a child tells and the offender is kicked out of camp, nobody talks about the incident so the offender just returns in elul to yeshiva. The cycle just continues!
this is a very important and well done video given the sensitivity of the topic and ( #7) “shallow and scripited” is exactly whats needed when wanting young children to absorb and remeber the message
kol hakovod to this organization
had this video message been around 30-40 years ago our “off the d kids ” and korbonos of abuse would’ve been alot less!!
enough is enough! I am fully aware about the risks of child preditors out there and it is SO scary that in a frum society we are nervous about sending our children away to sleep away camp for this reason.
yes, we need to teach our children what is appropriate and what is not, but PLEASE can the community start taking responsibility!! Schools, Camps: DO THOROUGH CHECKS ON WHO YOU EMPLOY! AND MONITOR THEM!
I dont understand how people justify employing a Rebbi with a “history” b/c they dont want to ruin his name, or parnasah, etc…. but what about the MANY MANY children’s lives that are being ruined by him. do the math. 1 vs ???????? TONS! its not fair to the kids. raising a child to stay on the path of Torah is hard enough with all the challenges of the world today…. why distroy the kids from within?
if you have a problem, get help. it may work. and would probably be anonymous!
Since the asifa I don’t have YouTube so I can’t see this clip . Can you run on quick time player so we can see it?
Calm down. Your nightmare is just in your head. Society at large is safe. It is such video’s and your panic comment that alarms those with reason for alarm- and irritates the rest of us. Take a deeeep breath. All camps and schools are completely safe.
#14 How ignorant are you to say that all camps and schools are safe?! Don’t you read the news? Children must be prepared to handle these types of situations. I thank the organization that made this video it is a very helpful tool for parents that aren’t sure how to approach this very sensitive topic.
great idea….but you shouldn’t be posting this video, since she isn’t dressed according to halacha. HAIR????
to #16 who claims that all camps and schools are safe… WAKE UP! and i truly hope and pray that you never have to experience what is becoming all too common in our community. but if you choose to not educate your children, or yourself, then so be it. but you can not tell a mother to calm down when the safety of her children is at risk.
its not making a comment about wearing seatbelts as being too scared of an accident happening.
little known fact about lakewood…. majority of the children are NOT buckled up. its terrible! hashem yerachem!