Video: Suspected DUI Driver Made To Walk Straight Line, Arrested

VIDEO: Sometime police are lucky enough to take a drunk driver off the roads before they get a chance to kill or injure themselves or anyone else. This afternoon, a driver witnessed another motorist driving out of control in a development off of Joe Parker Road, and phoned the police.

Upon arrival, the officer asked the man suspected of DUI to step out of his vehicle and walk a straight line, the procedure for suspected drink drivers.

After the man failed to properly complete his test, he was cuffed and taken into custody. His vehicle was impounded. TLS-MK/TLS-NM.

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  1. “This afternoon, a driver witnessed another motorist driving out of control” that covers half the drivers in town in a rush to get no place quick.
    Dukes of Hazard type driving is the norm in town.

    slow down and save a life and please dont drink and drive

    Thank you LPD

  2. hey, it’s Old Goy Billy, that’s the right way 2 say it. thought I’d let you know. Today there was a truck that had MRS on it and it was tailgaiting me and I had 2 babies in my back seats. I didn’t know whom to call, it was so frightening, a tractor trailer coming within inches of my rear at a fast speed, so I dialed G-d and prayed my heart out!

  3. Three months ago, i witnessed a minivan. Inside the minivan was a mother driving, with an infant on her lap. On the seat next to her was a 3 year old child, standing on the seat, no seat belt, no car seat. In the back seat were 2 more young kids running back and forth. I followed her into jackson while calling the police. They came, wrote her a huge ticket and then called social services to investigate. They let her go, but did not let her drive her kids home since she had no car seats. They had people come in cars with car seats and followed her home back to lakewood, with her young infant and toddlers safely secured. I then watched her go inside the house with two social services employees.

  4. Poor driving is the new norm for Lakewood . I would like to believe it’s a case of poor eye sight that’s causes folks do what they do, but I know better. The most common words or phrase in Lakewood isn’t Hello, Goodbye, or Be well, It is now ‘It was just an Accident’ . Sad to think that because of someone total disregard for the rules of the road and a lack of common courtesy that someone else can get hurt or killed in an accident
    Connect the DOTS people – more accidents mean less police to patrol the neighborhoods.

  5. Until the people recognize how bad anarchy can get, and vote for lawmakers to keep it sane and enforce rules, its gonna stay this way. When I complained to the police about cars parked in front of ‘No Parking’ signs, endangering hundreds of people every day, the cop told me, ” This is what the people want”.


  7. of course they should post articles like this. it shows the public that the police and the community are working hard to keep everyone safe.
    if we didn’t have police or the news, we wouldn’t know what was going on in the world. the only thing we would know about is a huge crime population. we should be thankful for people who keep us safe and for the people who let us in on what’s going on in our towns.

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