Video Series: Homebound

A video series about making an Aliyah to Eretz Yisroel.









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  1. While there may be a mitzvah of yishuv eretz yisroel, there’s many reasons why the gedolim of chutz laaretz over the last century never told us to all make Aliyah. The reasons may include chinuch challenges for american israeli’s, parnasa etc. I’m not saying that as an individual you shouldn’t speak to your rov about your own circumstances to see if our makes sense for you, but I definitely don’t think it’s anyone’s place to try to claim that if you care about keeping the Torah this is what you must do.

  2. Moshe rebainu couldn’t go into eretz Yisrael one of the meforshim say because that to be with us buried in chutz laretz. When the third bais hamikdosh will be iyh rebuild we will go to eretz Yisrael. Right now it is not really ours.

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