VIDEO: Sefer Yehoshua Shiur #13 from Horav Michoel Sorotzkin: “Kol Yisroel Areivim”
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Loved the Yavne Havdalla piece.
He should put more machshovova pieces. They are being delivered so awesome.
Every shiur is another gem.
Me’ein Olam Habo!
For some reason this past Motzei Shabbos the Shiur was not broadcasted live on the web site. It only appeared on Sunday We missed it!!
These series of tremendous shiurim is one if its kind like never offered before to the public. I listen twice and write it down carefully thereafter.
TLS- is my choice for a source of news and information around the Chareidi yeshivish web sites around.
They do have the sincerity of derech eretz towards Torah and its giants. Its reflected all over the site.
My Charusa just mentioned; which other web site would attach a reference sheet with sources discussed in a fabulous shiur?
They mean it seriously.
Kol haKavod.