VIDEO: Sefer Yehoshua bahalacha vaagada from Horav Michoel Sorotzkin: Nesias Ha’Aron

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  1. This topic of the Aron is a very confusing one with all the different chaza’l and midrashim.
    B”H that we were zoiche to gvalldik’e clarity in this complicated matter from one of the best magidei Shiur out there. Thank you TLS

  2. Is Rav Michoel back in Lakewood? My cousin heard him live in Eretz Yisroel on Shvuos. He was totally amazed.

    These shiurim are something else. Shura de’Shufra.
    The more you hear , the more you get hooked on them.

  3. What a talent!
    Heard a few shiurim in Hebrew, it is simply חבל-על הזמן.

    Does he say any droshos or shiurim in Yiddish? Where?
    Should be very very interesting and gishmak.

  4. During the summer months this shiur should be moved to Sunday afternoon/ early evening.
    Starting THE SHIUR motzoei shabbos at 10:45 is simply not an option. It should be given on motzoie shabbos until they change to EDT. THERAFER IT SHOULD MOVE TO SUNDAY BETWEEN 6:00-8:00 pm.

    No doubt that at such hour there will be many more participants. Also, I have friends from the west coast who would love to hear the Shiur live at least during the summer months. with a 3 hour time difference they can never hear it on Motzoie Shabbos.

    We finally have a public limud of na”ch given by a great talmid chochom and it is a real pleasure to listen and join, the organizers should give it a chance.

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