VIDEO: Rich Roberts replies to TLS reader carnival comments: Results, Snakes, Vaccinations, Financials, Organization
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Thanks Reb Kasriel, I love how you don’t get flustered by the naysayers.
ומצדיקי הרבים ככוכבים לעולם ועד
Thanks – Your observation is very insightful and sophisticated. There are so many levels to not getting “flustered” that I can’t address them here. Maybe it will be a topic of a future YouTube video. Thank you.
Dr. Roberts you are a real walking kiddush hashem.
Thank You for all you do for the community
dovid – I appreciate your kind comments.
I also noticed all the little details that went into the carnival, for example: the water station with the filter. . , the cotton candy were low tables so that the boys manning it did not have to stand on chairs.
Brooke – I’m shocked and delighted that you noticed the table height and realized the reason for it. Yes, you are seeing details that were not random but the results of our previous corrective action plans. My compliments to you…
@Dr Robert Thanks for taking the time to respond to my comment. Granted, Covid was a pandemic for 3 months but how can you answer up to the whole hysteria and politicization for the year and half after that?
225 people died in the U.S. yesterday from Covid-19. So far U.S. Covid-19 deaths are 1,023,908. But before the crazy anti-vaxxer crowd starts flooding this page with questions, I won’t play whack-a-mole with anti-vaxxers. I won’t take the bait by questions such as “How do you answer…”. At this point, anti-vaxxers have either been manipulated by the media or need psychiatric help.
“We have a pandemic for those who haven’t gotten a vaccination. It’s that basic, that simple. If you’re vaccinated, you’re not going to be hospitalized, not going to the ICU unit, and not going to die. You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.” Joe Biden – CNN Town Hall Meeting in Cincinnati on July 21, 2021 CBS8 news video.
225 needlessly died not becuase of covid and not because they weren’t vaccinated. They died because the CDC refuses to allow life saving measures to save them. We have said this over and over again but you still don’t get it. Boruch Hashem, the average thinking person on the streets DOES get it.
It’s 5AM. I’m awake because my 5 year old came into my bed and said, “Tatty, I remember the man from your computer by the carnival. Could we get a fish tank like that? Kay?
I love your comment but I’m sorry that you lost sleep. I hope to do a YouTube video about my largest aquarium. In short, a 1000 gallon aquarium weights about 12,000 pounds (water, glass, metal frame, rocks…) so there are six steel columns from the bottom of my largest tank to the footers in the foundation of the house. I have six smaller tanks in the basement.
Dear Dr. Roberts,
I owe you over a dozen thank you notes for the many years that we have enjoyed your carnival from the time that we started going in Pine Park many years ago until the unbelievable carnivals that you produce now. The first thing my kids ask when discussing Chol Hamoed is “when is Roberts carnival” and they look forward to it for weeks and talk about it for many months afterwards.
As a mother of a large family B’H it costs well over $100 dollars for a visit to a museum or aquarium. Many of these attractions are simply unaffordable for a kollel family. This year with the price of gas as it were you saved us at least 50-100 dollars by providing an amazing local attraction. The chessed that you do for us is unbelievable. Not only does it save us that day’s expense but if the next day we just go to the park, my kids feel that at least we had one big “trip” to the carnival. It also saves me the stress of having to drive long distances (usually to find something that is free), trying to make sure that my kids of all ages are all enjoying themselves (which they all do at your carnival from ages 3-15), and saves me all all the hours and stress that goes into planning a chol hamoed outing.
This year you did me even a greater chessed. I had a baby a few weeks before Pesach. With all the cleaning and cooking for pesach and a very colicky newborn I was going on very little sleep. I dropped my kids off at the carnival, my teenagers in charge of all the younger ones (with phone numbers on their shirts like you recommended just to be safe), went home, put my little ones in for a nap and went to sleep myself. When I woke up two hours later feeling better than I had for days I told my husband “Dr. Roberts should be gebenched! He doesn’t even realize the extent of his chessed!”
I can go on and on, but I just want to mention that my sons (and even one of my daughters) came home ecstatic about the snakes – their faces glowing as they described the dragon snake and how they had snakes around their necks!It was a hit! And my younger children always love the petting zoo – that’s what they talk about for weeks afterwards.
You should know that it’s not only dollars and cents, it not only adds a few hours of Simchas yom tov, there are so many ripple effects of this tremendous chessed that you would not be able to put down on paper. Yasher kochacha for putting together this unbelievable event year after year with all the time, effort and expense that it entails like you described. May you be zoche to continue to use your talents for the good of klal yisroel and may Hashem bentch you with gezunt and kol tuv.
You are a true hero of Klal Yisroel. I deeply appreciate your comments. Hatzlochah
Dr Roberts thank you so much for all that you do so graciously for the entire community you are the pillar of chessed in this town thank you
Thank you. I’m just trying to serve.
Dr. Roberts, I’d like to thank you for your generosity every yom tov. My children love the event and the give outs, and I love the fact that it’s local and free, which really helps my simchas yom tov because it’s hard to find affordable activities each year!
You are a tzaddik! Thank you and may Hashem bench you and your family, and may we all merit to greet moshiach speedily.
Thank you for your kind words. It’s encouraging to hear that we’re achieving our objectives for parents and children.
Dr. Roberts thanks for a great event. my children could not get enough. I run a sleepaway camp in upstate new york would love to have the snake show. i tried looking for their info could not find any way i can get it. thank you so much again
As good as the snake show was, it was very expensive ($7500) and not up to many of the things that we were expecting. If you want their contact information then please send an email to TLS and ask them to forward it to me.
Thank You Dr Roberts. I have a playgroup and when I asked everyone what their favorite part of pesach was almost everyone said THE CARNIVAL!!
It makes me very happy to hear that the children had a joyful Chol Homoed experience. Thank you so much. That’s very precious to me.
zees !! fresh air , the sincerity is precious.. the transparancy .. a healthy lesson for us all
You hit on a central theme in my life. I chose to become frum because I sought truth. I appreciate your insights.
I don’t live in Lakewood, but of course I’ve heard of you, and your famous carnivals 🙂
However what I am writing about is I’m so impressed that a busy man like you took the time to personally respond to virtually every comment before mine. WOW!! and yasher Koach, oh also have a gut shabbos!
I appreciate your kind words. Good Shabbos.
So about a year ago I got into fish. I’ve started with a 55 gallon of African Cichlids. It looks like you have African Cichlids too. I’d love to come see them, you have some that I have never seen before. Also it looks like you pack them (or do they all come to you thinking you have the food) I have 30 in a 55 gallon, you have a 1000 gallon so I wonder what your ratio is…
Also looks like you have something unique with the light going on… Is it different then regular LEDs?