VIDEO: President Trump Again Calls for an End to Federal Income Tax

President Trump today again called for an end to the federal income tax

“Instead of taxing our citizens to enrich foreign nations, we should be tariffing and taxing foreign nations to enrich our citizens,” Trump stated.


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  1. Please Mr president! Any money I don’t have to.give to uncle Sam would greatly benefit me!! I’m from the working middle class and not making it!! I’m thinking of going into chinuch. There’s nothing the rebeim are missing that the middle class doesn’t have! They are sometimes much better taken care of – with vacations for rebeim, shaitels for their wives, coats and shoes for their boys, jersey care insurance, and putting g together money for their chasunos/simchos! All thos is beyond our reach!!

    • You mentioned that you are thinking about entering the world of Chinuch.
      Chinuch is not that simple. The kids will play with rubber bands , maybe other stuff, the kids might get on your nerves, you have to be very careful how you respond to a kid that is acting up and also how you will handle the whole situation if the whole class is not acting their best.
      Chinuch is not easy but it will give you a lot of
      סיפוק הנפש

  2. We wish.
    If it happens there will still be state income tax , property tax , sales tax, zero tuition help etc etc of which everyone will flee democratic liberal New Jersey.
    Some Other states make their money in other ways ( tourism etc ) than someone’s income , someone’s property, someone’s commute or trip ( tolls and gas tax ).
    Over 65% of our hard earned money now goes to taxes.

  3. China & Mexico Institute Country-Wide Ban on American Cheese, as Chinese & Mexican Presidents Jointly Proclaim: “From Now On, It’s Swiss Cheese or No Cheese!”
    Unhappy with President Trump’s threats of increased tariffs and the renaming of the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America, China and Mexico announced on Monday that American cheese will soon be permanently banned from their countries.
    Nacho retailers throughout Mexico reacted in horror to the latest proclamation, as millions of nacho stand owners dumped all of their American cheese and nacho dishes into the oceans, as they began the arduous task of cooking millions of fresh batches of nachos topped with melted swiss cheese.
    Trillions of pounds of American cheese residues have been sweeping across the shores of China and Mexico, as beach goers in both countries could be seen frantically fleeing the beaches on Monday with cheese and nocho residues oozing out of of their noses and throats.
    “I love American cheese,” said Beijing resident, Xiang Chen, “an avid beach goer and zealous cheese consumer, “but I prefer to EAT my cheese, rather than have it oozing out of my nose and throat.”
    Responding to the Chinese/ Mexican edict, President Donald J. Trump announced today a US ban on all tacos and chow mein noodles, and warned the American people that beaches all across the country will soon be closed until further notice, “to make room for all the tacos and chow mein noodles that will soon be dumped and filling up our country’s oceans and shore lines.”
    “If you must take a swim in the ocean for health reasons,” the President said, “I suggest you wear top quality snorkels and nose plugs, otherwise I can promise you, you’ll end up in the emergency rooms with metal tweezers pulling out those tacos and chow mein noodles from your noses and throats. And believe me, THAT would be a HUGE mistake!”

    • Nice try. Mexicans and the Chinese never use “American” cheese for anything. Might be a good video game, ‘tho. Hmmm, I think I’ve found you a new career!

      Maybe you can work in the Mario brothers with mozzarella and parmegiana stuff.

      • Sorry… drop the La, mistake… was thinking like “Mario’s Revenge”, you know, like a DC invasion of huge alien pizzas……..

  4. Tariffs are paid by importers, in this case US companies. The companies will pass their costs to the consumer. We could end up paying more in increased prices than we pay in income taxes.

    • yes for a short time it may seem as we are paying more but in the long run it pays off as there will be more job openings in america, more companies opening in america, and more factories opening here, which will boost the economy tremendously and bring the prices back down much lower than they are right now! think ahead bro!

      • I hope you’re right. But, depending on the product things would cost between 10-50 percent more if produced in US. That’s why companies moved production to 3rd world countries.

        • Partially true. The other reason is unnecessary regulations. There’s another issue as well, importers of US products to China pay crazy import taxes. Causing the product to basically double in price. If the cost to make an iPhone in China is so cheap, and there’s minimal import taxes, why does it cost so much to buy?

          • What makes you say that an Iphone costs “so much” to buy? An iphone 16 pro costs about $485 – $550 for the hardware components. add in research and development, assembly costs, marketing, shipping etc. i think $1,099 is a pretty fair price point. assembly in the US where labor costs are higher, real estate for the assembly plants is more expensive, each individual component would need to be shipped from China would probably add about 150-200 to the cost- moving assembly cost from about $30 per unit in China to about 150-200 – that would raise your cost of an iphone significantly.

  5. This would be disastrous for most of Lakewood, who ironically voted for Trump. I would guess that most of our klei kodesh and Kollel families pay almost nothing in income tax and get very large tax returns. Instead of that, there will be larger sales tax and tariff taxes on every single item we purchase, which means that those people will go from paying no tax, to a lot. Personally, this would be good for me, but I cant imagine how its good for most of the town.

  6. Tarrif means you pay more for the goods you purchase. The cost of the tax is passed onto you, the consumer. It also suppresses economic acitivity. This means more unemployment.

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